Taking Time Off ? #BecomeHealthy

in #life7 years ago
Happiness is a choice. You can choose to be happy. There's going to be stress in life, but it's your choice whether you let it affect you or not.

If anyone got scared by reading the title... No, I am not taking time off of Steemit! I was absent during the last couple of days because I got the opportunity to support one of the most interesting crypto projects called APPICS. You might already heard about the blockchain based social media app but here are some informations if you are new to it! More impressions about the event where we attended will follow soon. Anyway, there is a chance to participate in the ICO after the pre-sale was sold out in less than 30 minutes! Join the official Appics Telegram Channel for any questions or if you want to partake in the ICO which starts in less than 2 days

Even though I hadn´t had enough time to write a blogpost, I still continued my #BecomeHealthy journey and now it is time to share it with you. This post is going to be a quick update before I have enough time to really sit down, grab a pot of tea and start writing... 

Living a healthy lifestyle isn´t only based on good nutrition or fitness. Your mindset is as much important as the rest! There are many health problems caused or exacerbated by stress which includes sleep problems, heart disease,  weight problems, depression or anxiety, pain of any kind, thinking and memory problems, digestive problems, Skin conditions, such as eczema and a lot more... So it is very important to learn how to stop stress when it wants to enter into your life. You have the power to close the door and ignore it. 

I personally need to follow a certain plan otherwise I feel stressed and can not focus enough on things I want to get done later. Now I am going to show you my top 3 tips to reduce stress in order to live a healthier and more ideal life. Please keep in my mind that these are tips based on my experiences and my character!

1. Meditation 

I tend to overthinking which leads to stress every time I dig deep into my thoughts. While meditating, I am able to shut down all negative and positive energies. I feel completely neutral and start to count my breath until my soul does the rest... 

2. Taking Time Off

Yes, you should be productive but if you start to feel exhausted and stressed, it is definitely time to relax and focus on only 1 thing. Do whatever you want to do such as dancing, cooking, reading a book or just painting with colors on a canvas. Focus on mainly 1 thing and try to forget about the rest.

3. 100% Natural Oils

When I feel stressed, I´d like to smell on some natural oils such as lavender, geranium and lemon. This trio of oils is shown to relieve stress, relax the body and clear the mind for a more restful and peaceful sleep. 

There are hundreds or thousands of tips and tricks but I just wanted to give a quick update to let you know where I have been for so long. I hope you still enjoyed reading it!

Stay focused

Love, Soldier 


Thank you for reminding...
"So it is very important to learn how to stop stress when it wants to enter into your life. You have the power to close the door and ignore it. "

It's okay to take a little time off on steemit and spend some time with yourself and your loved ones.

❤️ Upvoted.

Sure but I will stick to Steemit and will focus on my daily blogs. Of course I will take some time off but I don´t feel stressed at all. More blessed than stressed :)

I agree! Steemit or any Social Media site should never come between you and the ones you love!

Wow just amazing what a stunning article,though it looks simple there is lot there to understand.

definitely! Simple to understand but very helpful at the same time

wow ma'am are here 😚
Really nice to see after long time 🤗
Really its a superb content Written by you!
I'm thankful to see your content. Really ma'am I'm appreciate you. Nature i loved a lot, because nature is the only one things those created by god and its just awesome. I'm enjoyed your content a lot.

Thank you tetas! Appreciate your lovely words.

Wow!it's good comeback
It is good to overcome stress otherwise it can lead to depression but also cause severe headache which will cause mental disturbance, so you can't perform any work betterly...

Thank you, appreciate the lovely words!!

Wow just amazing what a stunning article
nice picture my friend @soldier

Thank you! This place was truly magical

I agree! Great picture!

Whats the name of this place??

healthy lifestyle is everyone's goal but no one wanna give up on bad things you are leading the change

True.. People tend to negativity and negative things but you need to stick with the positive even if its hard in the beginning!

Its hard to get rid of the bad habits in our lives for most I think.

Everything comes back to your belief systems.

mindset is a big thing in this and meditation plays a big role in controlling that :) thanks for sharing

Thank you, glad you like it

that's great to read got to learn something new today all credit goes to you thanks for sharing

Thank you!

Thanks for these tips time to be healthy and happy again i will try to follow these and big thanks for sharing

It is always time to be happy :)

time to take off some time and relax in nature that's going to be wonderful for me i think :)

Nature is the best place where humans could be

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