SteemDance - Why do I dance?

in #life7 years ago (edited)

I often see dance videos of girls in short skirts, hot pants or mini dresses on social media. I believe dancing is a "trend" now and every girl who can move a little is calling herself a dancer these days... 

I did a lot of different sports activities when I was younger. For example -  I did gymnastics, football (soccer) , cheerleading, swimming, basketball, volleyball and badminton. I have to mention that I was never the worst in playing those games or doing these kind of sports. I have a great ambition when it comes to things that I want and this is what made me one of the best in my teams. But somehow I quit after a few years or a few months and I really cant explain why....

There is this huge summer party in Germany where a local supermarket tours through a whole bunch of cities to make families happy and to ensure they have an amazing time. The supermarket chain invites the most popular artist in Germany, offers great food, funny family attractions & games, a huge stage with great music and a dance workshop with the most popular choreographers from Germany! I believe it was 2008/2009 where my mom told me about this event. I literally decided to join this workshop without thinking a second time about it. Because there was also an audition where the best dancers would get the chance to dance in front of thousands of people and meet all the artist back stage! At this time, I was a huge fan of a girl group called "Monrose". They were an act who performed on stage and I had the possibility to meet them if I will make it through the finale. But not to forget, I haven´t danced before. My cheerleading skill was all I had. Anyway, my parents registered me for the event in Hamburg and I got super hyped!

I put on some hip hop clothes which I have never worn before but it felt great! I was so exited because the choreograph was Detlef D! Soost. He sat in the jury of the German casting show "Popstars" and I used to watch this series every week! Anyway, we arrived in time, the weather was hot and we were looking for the dance workshop. This whole festival place was huge and the stage was the biggest stage I have seen live before! After looking and walking around for a few moments we decided to go inside the dancing tent which we spotted before...

"I wont make it", these were my first thoughts when I saw all these stylish girls and boys warming up before D! Soost was arriving. I sat scared beside my parents and they told me to just enjoy it and have fun! So I plucked up all my courage, signed up with my name and waited until the workshop began. 

He arrived. The most popular choreograph and judge in Germany. My heart was beating so fast and I loaded up my energy to give my best! Learning the steps was quit easy but we hadnt had enough time to practice the choreography until he said we should go through the first audition on a small stage in front of maybe 100-200 people. I was so scared, I was never on a stage before. I was used to perform in front of many people because of the cheerleader championships and the gymnastic championships I joined a few years ago but not on a stage as a main act. Anyhow, it was so much fun and when Detlef came on stage and said my time, I was the happiest girl in this world. This was a huge motivation for me to work even harder because I was just one step closer to meet my idols and dance in front of a few thousand people. 

We had like 1-2 hours before the big audition started. In my opinion, there were tons of great dancers and i was pretty sure some of them danced for many years already. But that didnt push me down, converseley, I was so motivated like never before in my whole and do you know what? I MADE IT

I received the back stage pass and got to meet my favorite artists! This was such an inspiring day. Now we had a little break and I jumped in the arms of my parents and they were super proud. I know, this was just a workshop and nothing special but when they saw me on stage with that huge smile on my face, they felt so happy for me too. Now it was time to go on the big stage. Phuu my heart was beating... 

But it went so well and it was so much fun! After that I met my idols private inside the back stage area, got a few signs on my shirt and now I was ready to go home...  I have never thought before that dancing was the best thing that ever happened to me at that time. 

When my parents saw me this happy, they asked me if I wanted to repeat this day and surprised me with a trip to two other cities in Germany with the same festival and workshop. 

Back home I asked my mom to find a dance studio for me. 

Long story short, I found a few studios, I was a part of many championships and a few years later I had the chance to meet @sirwinchester. You can read the story here.

After 8-9 years of dancing I still havent quit, I havent made a break in between and it gets more beautiful from day to day. Some of you already know that I had experienced a hard time in my life where I got bullied, got terrible text messages and just wanted to escape from this horrible feeling. Beside some people including my family, there was one thing that motivated me again and again and this motivation was dancing

To dance means to express myself and to let out any feelings that I´m not able to talk about. It is much more than just moving my body to the rhythm. That´s also why SirWinchester was and is still my favorite choreographer of all time. He taught me not only the hip hop style. He taught me much more. Contemporary, Jazz, tricking ( martial arts ) attitude, strength and a whole other stuff. His choreographies were never predictable because he chose songs that I have never heard and felt before. 

This movement gave me the key to my own world that I created on the dance floor. There is this possibility to forget about the present and be there, where the world is how you created it with your own thoughts! There are no problems, no negative people, no one that hates or bullies you, unless you feel it. 

It must be hard to imagine what I am trying to say you when you have never felt that kind of freedom before. Even if you, who is reading this, has never danced before... If you want to escape the reality for a moment, put on a song of your choice, turn the volume up and move your body without thinking about it. Let out your emotions and dont try to control them. You dont need control when you dance for freedom. Dance with your heart and create the world how you want it to be!

I have read this awesome quote the other day

“Dance is the hidden language of the soul”
Martha Graham

And this is why I dance.

Thanks for reading, I appreciate the constant support of every single one of you!

Peace, Love and Harmony

Your Soldier 

*Images sources 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6


Great post as aways beautiful girl :D

You deserve all of this happiness and fame . When others tell you that you can't do it , that's when you step your foot forward and show the world that "I made it" many people will bring us down for our dreams , but the world can laugh when they see you shinning . This story is full of a lot of glory and put a huge smile on my face , you're a true inspiration for me , and never stop doing what you're good at , because no one can be like you .

Ohh thank you again sweetheart! I appreciate you so much. Whenever I post, you´re here. I agree with you in every sense but it takes time to realize that you should keep going although people are telling you the opposite. Thanks for supporting and motivating me. big hugs

Always will support you , lots of love ❤️

Very nice!

Good stuff as always soldier!

Thank you so much!

Awesome post !

I think dancing particularly women love about many things. And with your post I understand several reasons

Glad to hear that! But the same is for men!

not much. We men have other priorities
football ,

Keep doing stuff that you love.

Yeah you´re right. Every one should do that!

Wow... that's beautiful! I have read many of your posts, but in a sense this is perhaps the best... you truly managed to write the freedom you feel while dancing into the post, and that takes talent of its own. And English is not your first language....

Thank you so so much! You made me smile today.
You´re right, english is not my mother language and I always try my best. It makes me happy to hear that you could feel what I was trying to say through my written words!

Sometimes it’s only in the ecstasy of unrepressed movement that we may enter the stillness of our authentic selves. In such sacred moments, the world seems to be in step. This is why the idea of finding love across the dance floor endure - symbolizing that, when we know the true rhythm of our heart, we know the other.

Couldnt say it any better! Love the last words of you - when we know the true rhythm of our heart, we know the other.

WOw your story made my day! Never stop dreaming and go for your dreams, you are one of my fave here keep it up ❤️❤️❤️

Oh @mae09 , thank you so much! <3

True in dance where we express our feelings. I am worst at dancing but i never miss an opportunity to dance.

It doesnt matter how it looks like when you feel great!