RE: Recap of my weekend (NSFW,uncensored)
you should consider the opinions of other people who feel uncomfortable with penis and vagina flashing right in front of their eyes
How about don't open posts which have "NSFW and uncensored" in the title?
What did you (or they) expect to find behind that description?
I would be 100% in support of what you are saying if the post weren't clearly labeled or worse were mislabeled.
So yeah, majority is not ready to see these posts in trending page
Nobody gets to decide what is "ready" for the Trending page. The misnamed Trending page is the list of posts with the most total unpaid rewards, an objective mathematical calculation, and one that is essential for seeing how the reward pool is being allocated.
The so-called majority that allegedly doesn't want to see what is getting rewards if it happens something they don't like probably should not be looking at that page.
How about don't open the playboy to the nekkid pictures. Thats an effective way to not see the nudity, but how comfortable would you be using it at a PTA meeting or around a bunch of your neighbors.
I'd be uncomfortable defining Steem/it as a PTA meeting. It is a platform with a broad variety of uses (which derives its value in large part from the property of censorship resistance, something almost entirely worthless for PTA meetings).
Those who want a "PTA meeting" experience can limit their use of the platform, for example, by choosing who to follow and only viewing that feed, not the global views.
Curiosity gets the best out of people :)
Note: on a positive note, yeah the post was not so bad so I upvoted this. for everyone who thinks I am narrow-minded.
Post-Note: Life tag is abused in this case. just to be fair.
I don't believe 'Life' tag is being abused.... because I am talking about my life.
Life is what happens outside work :) In the post, you are writing about your work. dont use 5 tags, only the first will be considered :P
No, my life includes my work.
We all have a different perspective ya know.
My work is a part of my life whether you see it that way or not. @thebluepanda
Tag curation would be a good solution to this. People disagree about the meanings of a tag (the sex tag is the perfect example, some people just want to talk about sex while others might think that explicit, pornographic pictures are appropriate). Semantic tag curation would mean that some users could more easily make a strong definition for what a specific tag means and what it doesn't, making it closer to the moderated subs on Reddit.
for the "so-called majority", considering also that most of the votes are from bots.

Oh I agree there. I dismiss entirely any and all claims about 'a majority' based on voting, except a majority of stake.
I wish the Steemit Culinary Challenge could also make the trending page if only you would upvote it 120% like you did this post. Yes, I snooped :P and I wondered would the Steemit Culinary Challenge get this much upvote support from you and make it to the trending page if I add an uncensored maple syrup?
But then I also thought - you are already sponsoring it - it would be asking too much and it all boils down to - it's your right to upvote which post you like. Would you please check your chat? Thank you
@smooth just check chat please thank you