Steemit, Bitcoin and Crypto IS Haram 4 Muslims? - MUSLIMS CANTS USE STEEMIT!?!?!?!?!?!

in #life7 years ago (edited)

Does this mean that posting and using steemit is as bad as eating pork and drinking liquor to muslims?

Do you think This is legit? Transactions must be "hand to hand" and if a bitcoin is not physical then its Haram, correct?

Lets start a conversation on this, is it wrong for a Muslim to use Steemit?

Every video I look up on it says its Haram.

Let me know what you think!!!!


Allah Akbar! I guess I have to sell all my cryptos then...

selling them would be haram so it would be better if you just gave them to me.

I don't know yet about the law of earning money from steemit in islam, yeah you totally open my mind and remind me of something that I want to ask to my lecturer for long...
thanks for sharing @skeptic...👍

np, i have been seeing alot of stuff the last couple days about how crypto is haram. it confuses me but most religions do.
Any info you get on it let me know.

okay, I will tell you after I find out more about crypto and I will try ask to the 3 lecturers to get the strong truth of the law cryptocurrencies in islam.
nice to know you, you are like the chracter of anime on your display image blog 😃 'death note'

such an awesome anime!
yeah if you find anything out let me know, learned last night Egypt has made crypto agienst the law because they say its "haram", places like that where people dont have access to banks would prosper the most IMO.
Crazy times we live in.

I would call it bullshit, money is electronic now on days, the only difference if centralized or decentralized, bitcoin has few controls right now and that's what most people are afraid of, you guy will love bitcoin when your country starts printing money like a of everyday was carnival, something people don't realize the knife and the power bank has because they control all the money not just "some" but literally ALL the money.

I thought it might have been a joke at first but the more i look into it the realer and realer it sounds.
Egypt has even come out saying its haram and 98% of the population there has no bank access, im thinking its a way to hold onto power.
Its weird though and makes no sense to me at all.

People that's are outside of Egypt can't understand that, and probably people that inside Egypt can't do shit about it, it is a long way before the whole world gets its shit together.

Yeah, we might be waiting a long time for that to happen.
IMO i think places like egypt where people dont have access to banks would benifit the most from bitcoin. The places i see bitcoin making the most change are the places where people dont have access to banking. give them a 20dollar cellphone and a bitcoin account and they can become a bank. Im sure that is scary to the people in power.

also the people that seem to be preaching about bitcoin being haram dont seem to understand what it is so maybe in a year or two they will change their mind. i hope.

Yes I see not only Bitcoins but any crypto can be put to use in any place and work better than a centralized bank, without the power to print money, they fear what they don't understand, ah the future is full with possibility man, can't wait to see it

i agree, the most exciting time to be alive ever!

Also fuck banks and fraction reserve! that is the inslavement of the world and we are lucky that a sloution has finally been brought to the table.

My biggest fear is the banks, they control all the goverments and its only a matter of time till they go on the attack because we are destroying their empire one block at a time.

That kind of thinking comes from the premise that it was Allah's best intention for the Umma is to provide a law for every action conceivable. I think Allah's best intention is to form good character in people so they just naturally follow what is right without even having to read or hear any law. Adopt that mindset and then laws only become necessary to curtail people from harming each other. They are inadequate for actually making people better people. That comes from personal union with Allah, aided by holy scripture if you have access to it, but following the law, or some scholar's opinion about the law, is not an end in itself.

Yeah but if it is haram or not is what im wondering. I was kind of thinking it had to do with the fact that gold has been around and used as money for thousands of years and bitcoin is something new and cant acutally be held and stored for 500 years and stuff. pluss the whold hand to hand thing, its all confusing to me.
So are you saying allah is ok with crypto and all the top scholors and religious heads of islam are wrong?
Its a crazy mess right now i think.
I agree on its about building charcter and the best intentions and that mindset is what its all for and everyone should be striving for.
I just brought it up as wondering as the reason on why as i dont fully get why, i think they are basing their words off their lack of understanding crypto. I could be wrong though as i am always learning.


I know almost nothing about the Muslim religion or traditions. I can't speak to that.
Regarding money, perhaps this will have some influence.

I personally think its getting said as a way to keep power.
andreas is a badass imo.
Religion isnt always something that makes sense and the more i look into it the more it is showing itself to be real. What i wonder is what effect it will have, like if the pope came out and said bitcoin was a sin. Could have bad ramifacations or end up being really good.
The direction islam is taking or how i understand it sofar is that all transactions have to be "hand to hand" and the currency has to be a store of value. alot of people dont see bitcoin as a store of value yet as the price is so volitial still. Maybe things will change, i sure hope they do.

Next step for me might be posting about how all muslims need to send me all their cryptos to avoid eternity in hellfire for going agienst the word of god. If they sell their crypto its haram so the only option they have if they dont want to go to the hell they believe in is to send it to me or someone else.
Could see it getting me called racist by the idiots though, guess we will find out.

andreas is a badass, he explains things in a way a kid could understand yet so many people still dont understand it. its insanity.

Nothing makes my blood boil faster than the way religion is used as a club. I do encourage some fun being poked at all religions though. Specifically because it doesn't make sense to the rational human mind.
"Next step for me might be posting about how all muslims need to send me all their cryptos to avoid eternity in hellfire for going agienst the word of god."
I don't think it's racist, I think it's hilarious.
As for Andreas, anybody who doesn't get him, I just have to shake my head in wonder.

i think it would be funny too.
if you cant laugh at the crazyness of religon you end up crying about it.
Yeah the way he describes stuff cant get any simpler IMO but with that said most people i know and talk to still cant understand money, they think they understand it and make insane comments like "the goverment needs to print more money and raise the minimum wage so everyone can have a better quality of life". SMFH they still cant grasp that fractional reserve banking is a debt system.
I have had to just shut my mouth and walk away from a couple converations about money with friends cause they have been blinded by the nonsense. LOL my best friend told me like 5 months ago that "bitcoin isnt worth anything unsless you sell it for usd", last week he bought some bitcoin and is now trying to say hes been into bitcoin the last 5 years. he was just telling me that "40k a coin is to expensive and once its centralized and they find a way to print more coins it will actually become real". fuck i feel dirty just typing that out, he loves the banksters and taxes ect i should add. i might too if i got a 3k check in the mail from uncle same every month for doing nothing, but i don and dont enjoy paying taxes so he can sit around smoking weed and investing 50k in stocks that he got as a bday present from his rich as fuck family.
Wow another rant, i think the madness of religion effects you the same as ignorance of how money works effects me.

interesting times we live in thats for sure.

i agree, think its something people should be talking about.

I want one but cant afford a whole bitcoin, also how does one buy a single loaf of hala bread "Hand to hand" with that awesome coin i want? with the price of gold are we close to bitcoin being worth an oz of gold? it brings in so many questions.
Also the physical coin does not interupt what they are saying, how do you know in 300 years your bitcoin will be worth anything where the point they are making is gold and silver has been around 3k years and will continue to be of value because of the small small supply. one of the dudes even goes into about how 21million bitcoins only and stuff.
I will say they seem to have (even to me) a minimal grasp on what crypto is, but I think its worth a serious discussion with the fellow muslims that use steemit.

Yea those are good points, I was being a little silly. Religion is silly. It could very well be possible that a strict Muslin is restricted from using cryptos (and Steem). Maybe people should just stop basing their lives around books written during the Iron age.

Yeah, but its not that simple. more people have died and killed for religion then anything else.
before i came to steemit and even half my steemit life the only thing i thought was real money was gold and silver. I still trust in gold and silver but i wonder if the people saying it is haram would change their mind just like i did about crypto when i thought it was all just fake digits like fiat. im sure you remember me when i didnt think steem was money, all it took was me learning how it worked to change my mind even if i had to be dragged to that conclusion kicking and screaming.
Would the high up in islam religon people change their mind if they understood crypto more or whould they stiill say its haram?
Its trippy to me.
If you were to ask me if amish people disagree with crypto i would expect an easy yeas but this one i think goes a little deeper.

Muslims use pieces of paper to buy their groceries every day (or digital number on a credit card). If they can be inconsistant with their religion to do that, then why can't they do the same with crypto?

Thats the part that confuses me, they are for goverment issused fiat currency but anti-crypto. Im thinking its lack of understanding what crypto is. im hoping its just a lack of understand right now. with that said they still dont eat pork so it could be more then information.
religion is funny though right? We are lucky to be in the time we are in where we can look upon this stuff like this and talk about how its a bit insane (not that i have met someone sane yet) and try to come to a middle ground with everyone, or try to.

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