Grocery Stores Of The Future: Unmanned, Fully Electronic WeChat Stores Are Already Operating In China!

Imagine the grocery store of the future.
A fully automatic store without employees, without lines, without a checkout, without cash - everything is managed electronically.
What sounds like something out of a science fiction movie is already reality in China!
The store offers a lot of benefits compared to regular stores - it's open 24/7, there is no waiting in line and you don't need to carry any money with you.
Also, the store is mobile - it can be placed anywhere, offering a huge advantage for franchise partners.
Check out the "BingoBox", China's first unmanned convenience store:
At the end of last year, Amazon actually unveiled a similar concept for their Amazon Go stores - but ended up postponing them.
In China on the other hand, "BingoBox" is already fully operational: it's an unmanned convenience store, entirely automated and powered by WeChat.
To enter the store, the customer scans a QR code on the door via the WeChat app.
It is required that the customer has a WeChat account - because he can actually pay for his groceries with that account later on as well.

The store ("box") is approximately 10 square meters large.
Featured are packaged groceries and beverages, everyday items, toiletries, and also a small selection of fresh foods like bread, vegetables, fruits and more.
The selection is similar to that of a 7-11 store, but 20-30% cheaper (since there is no additional cost for staff.)

To pay, you scan the barcodes of your items, and are given a QR code.
You can then scan that QR code either with your WeChat app or with the Alipay App, the payment system of the largest Chinese retailer Alibaba.
By scanning that QR code, the amount automatically gets billed from your account - and you're good to go!

Now in case you're thinking about security issues in an unmanned store: there are measures for that too.
In-store cameras are checking whether you actually paid for the items you're holding when leaving the store.
Also, the BingoBox is aware of the customer's full name since he entered with a verified WeChat account - therefore, he can be held accountable if he tries to steal something.
A facial recognition software also analyzes the customer to make sure no unregistered users have entered the store.

Although there is no staff present at the store, a support center can be reached through video chat from a screen inside.
Everyday, one member of staff visits the store to re-stock and re-organize the items - which only takes about 20 minutes, according to BingoBox.
The company has received $15 million in funding and cooperates with French supermarket chain Auchan (which is very popular in China) to stock the store inventory.
What do you think about these unmanned stores - convenient or problematic?

© Sirwinchester
I appreciate that development (and automation in general) ... Humans shouldn't need to do boring, repetitive activities like working in a checkout counter.
Or walking? Sleeping? Eating? Having sex? I guess, those are all repetitive actions we do every single day.
You are free to consider sex as boring (I mentioned 'boring', didn't I) as sitting in a checkout center, but I won't.
I'm too lazy to actually go out for food. Can't it just come to me? I want subscription based food.
I second that! Who wants to do all that work.
At some point, everything will come to us. I hope we remember how to exercise.
Why stop there? Downloadable food would be the s*** lol
Heck, with 3D bio-printers, that might actually be a thing that happens. In this lifetime no less.
Darn it! I guess bagging groceries for a living is out of the question :) LOL
Do we really go to grocery shops? i guess people will become lazy and everyone will uses quick delivery by online. :-)
Hi I really enjoy this post very... good information. A big upvote from me 🤓
Well it is really very convenient @sirwinchester, but just think the amount of people who will be jobless if this is adopted on a large scale! Scary!
I'm hoping for an unmanned Best Buy. I hate being bothered by the sales person and being pressured into buying the warranty. Its so awkward when you say no. They look all mad when they're ringing you up.
Thanks for information . We need more people like you .
It's really interesting and maybe it's useful in some places, but I admit that I love to go in the grocery shop close to my home, where the employes smile to me and can give me some tips on the fresh fruits or on the best salami to buy ^_^
It seems that our generation will witness an unprecedented evolution in the history of humanity. About the other generations, I'm afraid to think!