The art of mastering the skill of love

in #life7 years ago

Remember the song? All we need is love.... This might sound cliche... but john Lennon was right, he said the truth and the poor fellow got shot for it! That's the world we live in right now, so in case you wounder why the world is in darkness, well....

Because love is like a light, it could be a light on the end of the tunnel, or it could enlighten your path in front of u, and without love in life, it will be only darkness. So yeah all we need is love, but i have a small feeling that the definition of love got lost in romantic stories or movies. Like love is something to dream about it, and that it's more like a stupid decision, what only fools do , and on the same time the same world is thriving for world peace????



Maybe it's better to master the art of love, instead of putting the focus on the art of making money.

Hello my fellow Steemians, with this post i wanted to make a valentine special about love. Yes im a philosopher and i "love" to philosopher about anything in life, and no im not the type of guy who will talk about a astray for one hour! But more in a way that im open to talk about important things in life, and love could be seen as the engine to live in life.

It must be a universal magnetic force, what combines two parts and make them one. But the problem what i saw is, that there is not much knowledge about love, there are only those romantic stories. Yeah that's nice but that wound explain the feelings someone has, in fact those stories only make situations worst. Now before you stand on your tail, wait a second im not finished. Im just saying, what most of the people see or get are beautiful stories or movies, but not the knowledge to understand how their own body works. It's like seeing a light far in the forest, while you dont see what is in front of you.

So what i personally saw is, that i was not prepared for love or relationship, when i was young. I learned on school how to write, read and many more subjects. But not how to love someone or even myself, there was no education for that. And this happened to many of us, nobody had some kind of education about love, we all got throw into the sea and there we need to learn how to swim or to stay alive. Then it doesn't matter from which country or background you have, we all got thrown into the sea, it's just some of us managed to learn how to swim, before they thrown in.


This means in our society is some kind of mentality around the subject of love, it's something what people have to discover in life, like it's a adventure what not many are willingly to take, because the roads can be difficult. And in some places or situations it's even a crime to be a love with someone, or forbidden out of tradition. And we all thank the past for that, even if you live in the western world, you still can be judged by others if you love someone. Just think about that for a second.

There are two people who love each other, and they want to be with each other. But the world or surroundings don't like that idea, and enforce their opinions up to them, to manipulate the couple to change their minds. This example is just normal and happens everywhere, and maybe you the reader are now in that situation. And that you have to deal with the family of your partner or with tradition or culture, while you only want to be with your partner. It's just a sick thought to think that others can decide who to love or not, while that's impossible because nobody has that power.


People love to say, god works in mysterious ways. But the truth is, it's love what works in mysterious ways. We can't really get it in some way, and there for we should master it, and make it priority number one. They should start give love lessons on kindergarten or something. They could use gardening, to learn how to "love" nature, or teach them how to love animals. I mean, what children learn will be used when they are adults right?

But like i said before, we thank the past for that. Because in the past it was normal to married someone, for other reasons then love. That could be for power, money, alliances, or for children or people are forced to married others. And it almost looks like people invest more in a wedding then in their marriage.


What's even more stupid, because wedding is just for one day. Yes but that it's a unforgettable day!!!! O please, people get married for life and every day can be "your" day, that completely depends on the choices you make. So in some way when we talk about love, then i see people make choices what i would never ever have done. To me its everyday valentine's day, every day we go to a honeymoon and celebrate the evening like that. Why make choices what society force up to us?

Another one is, to give your partner a diamond ring. And i don't want to be a party breaker, but this is a fraud. There was a company who came up with a smart move, to make money from a useless rock called diamonds. And there created a huge marketing strategy around it and sold it to the world as the truth, and the whole world bought it like ice cream for a young kid.


Yes it's the true, they made it up. It was a huge brilliant marketing plan and it worked. Since then are diamonds one of the most expensive rocks on this planet. And they used the media to sell it to the public, and they still fall for it. Or do you really think that diamonds are a girl best friend? It's not Lego!!

You can't build a car with it or a house! It only has a value, and it shine some brightness and that's it. The value of who you are will not go higher, after wearing a ring, and the love between people will not get stronger after getting a ring! That's just a illusion, what is created in your mind, and the thoughts in your mind will create the feelings you have after giving or getting a ring. This means the value of objects or things or actions get created in your own mind. There for its important to understand were most values come from, or else you might believe or follow a illusion.


The problem with a illusion is, that it can look so real, that you wound even see that it's a illusion. Like the illusion of going into a marriage for other reasons then love, this choice is mostly underestimated. And only when people are in those situations, they realize were they are in, and many people don't see a way back and just sit the ride threw.

For examples, people who married others for money, or to improve their live, or married someone from another country to improve their lives. The truth about those situations is, that love has nothing to do with these choices. And love can be developed in the following years, or confusing and hatred will be developed. The sad part of these choices is, that they dominate the world on this day, many people married others for the wrong reasons. And unfortunately many of these stories don't work out good.


Like on this moment it's almost common that people are divorced or just broken their relationships. But do you really think that would happen if the main goal of a relationship is love? I don't know but i think it would be easier to learn how to cook together, or to learn how to shop together, or to learn how to go out together, then to learn how to love each other. In fact that could almost be mission impossible in some relationships, to restart the love between two people.

There are many consultancies who help couples, to regain the lost love, to save their marriage or relationship and in some way it can work. But it will be difficult to rebuild love on a foundation what was not solid in the first place. This means, the only way to restart or to refined the love between two people, is possible if both of them go back to their innocent state of mind, that means they have to forget every action or situation of their partners or relationship. Because situations from the past are the workers who build walls between a couple, and there for it's needed to ignore the past, to get rid of those walls.


That might sound easy if you read it like this, but keep in mind this is just the blue print... "the whitepaper", and this strategy could only be used if you change the environment, like going on a vacation or just go away from the regular environment, what will only remind the partners of the past.

So what im trying to say is, if we want to understand love, then we need to undress yourself, to be completely naked without walls. And then the only thing what will be left, is who you truly are. And the true you can only be touched by another free and open spirit, it's a spiritual event what can't be abused or used by others. The nakedness of the mind can only be touched by another open and naked mind, this is a spiritual process what can combine two souls and make them as one. These are the people who are together for many years with a smile on their face.


Those people don't see the person anymore, what they see is beyond the perception of a stranger or bystander. Because they see the truth spirit of their partners, what can't be seen with the naked eye. And those people will mostly die with each other. In fact around the world are many stories of old couples who died right after each other, like the lost of the partner drained the life energy away, they can't recover and die in sorrow or happiness.

That is the proof that love is not just something to experience on valentines' day, its something we should treasure every day with whole our heart. But the problem is, if people don't learn how to deal with love, then that can lead to huge consequences, like the darkness we see on this moment in our world. We all can clearly see that the absence of love is present on every level in our society.


People will use the word love in a line to say what people like to do or to eat or to live. But they will never say, yeah i love to master the skills of love...... I think if you say that on a family dinner, that they will look at you as if you are crazy! They will think that you a horny person, or just crazy. While i think that we should truly try to master that.

Because if we would master the skills of love, then that means, we will work to remove the imaginary walls of hate what we see in our environment or around people. Just like the perception what children have. They don't see bad people in other children, they don't see racism, they don't see colors, they don't see the value of money in other children, children just want to play. And that is because children don't have those walls in their eyes, they only see children. That is the reason children could play with other children, without saying one word!


This means and this is from my point of view, if you want to master the skill of love, then remove the walls what you see in life about anything. That could be your opinion about a religion, or about a country, or about your neighbor, family member, friend or partner. You need to see what you are really looking at, you must not see what you mind wants you to see. Because your mind can create a illusion, and only your own mind can destroy that illusion.

So to master the skills of love is not just about creating a better relationship with your partner, it's about creating a better environment to live in for your self, your partner, your kids, family, neighbor, nature or everything in life. Because it looks like love is not just a romantic tale, it's more or less a invincible force what combines everything with each other, and keeps everything in non stop movement, that makes love the engine of life itself.

Their for i see the word love is like the word believe, it's associated with a complete other subject. What in essence is not connected to each other, but more or less combined to each other. With believe is religion, while people use believe in everyday situations, what have nothing to do with religion.

The same thing with love, it's associated with a romantic subject. While love truly means, having a a strong feeling of affection for something of someone, there for people said... i love to do this or i love to do that. Nobody said i love to love or i believe to believe. So if you want to master the skill of love, then learn how to remove the walls in your mind and keep your mind open for information about the person you are interested in. So what im trying to say is, love truly is a skill what can be learned by anyone. And this maybe sound easy from my words, but i can tell you this. Im in a relationship for 19 years, and basically everything what i wrote here, is what i learned from the past. This is us, me and @rouer66


I learned that a relationship is a partnership of two strangers, or two lives who want to make one live. And that is only possible if you learn who you are, and who your partner is, and then introduce yourself to your partner and your partner to you. And then im talking about the real you, and not the show version. Then if you do that, then you can see which features you both can accept, adapt, remove or learn to make sure that two minds can come together.

And yes i agree, this can be a difficult task, because the power of lust and feelings can mess up our minds. But that is only because we never learn how to use them correctly. There for it's needed to know yourself, to know how your feelings work, and how your mind can influence your feelings. Only then you can make sure to master your feelings, and use them in a way what would benefit your life, what on the end will be the building blocks for a happy life with no regrets. Trust me on this, for 19 years now im laughing every day, because the only thing i truly needed and got was love! So if you want to mastering the art of love, learn to open your mind! Happy valentine Steemians and my love @rouer66!

As you can see, im a random writer and blog about anything what comes in my mind, and if you want then feel free to join me here on my journey on Steemit, because i will write about anything. Cheers


Interesting .. This is important
Love is an expression of our hearts, so we do not neglect the role of our minds in our decisions
Thank you for sharing your experience

You Welcome, Thanks for your comment!

Good post! 💑💖💘

Thank you!!

wonderful post, I enjoyed reading it.
Love is all what It takes to reach anything in life.

@sinzzer How you are able to tie the strands of words, heaping into into coherent paragraphs, and value-filled sentences thrills. This is an epic discourse on love. I enjoyed every bits of it.


Lol i dont know, i just think what is on my mind. Imagine how a conversation would be with a glass of wine or a coffee? :) Thank you for your comment!

Thank you, thank you!!

I think in the same light! @sweetnitrick

It's bad that not everyone will understand this from simple text. We learn throught personal drama. Throught experiance and time.

This post reflect what I know, and I understand. But people, who don't understand what is love - read this post and believe. Let this text to be your mentor in love.

p.S: I would add
Love - is when we care about others. When we help even though we tried to do something.

True, you have to experience it, to understand it, and there for not everyone can understand it. There for i made this post, to share some inside information that love or a relationship is not just something small, it's a huge corperation what could destroy any person or could make them stronger then before. And many relationships get destroyed while the children must paid the price. That should change!
Nice ps!
Thanks for your comment.

Thanks, I also think that relationships are very hard and you need to treat this like you would treat start of a business - very responsibly.

Yes Indeed, in fact it's the most important task in your life, If that fails Then everything falls apart. But when you succeed iT Will be heaven everyday!!

Nice this posting @sinzzer.
I like this posting.

Vote posting me @yassir1

Thank you for your comment!

Happy Valentines Day!

These are the secrets to love, in my opinion. They work for me!

  1. Be best friends with your love. Would you lie to your best friend? No! You are only respectful and kind to your best friend, even if you are tired, stressed, etc. Base all of your interactions in friendship first.

  2. Never assume anything about them. They are a changing being always. They never wake up the same person, they have grown. Don't assume they are the same. If you make this assumption, you will get bored with them. If you see them with fresh eyes everyday, you will stay in love. (To read more about this, read Osho.)

Hello, thanks for your reply!
Ill tell you another secret, this one works with everything.
Treat others as how you want to be treated!
And Happy valentines to you!!

wow... amazing

Thank you!

Love is truth, and truth is love. I agree, Lennon got it right with his lyrics!

He was a brilliant guy!
Thanks for your comment!

Nice post bro !

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O_oo nice!!

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