Steem Diary Entry 12 - 9/6/2020steemCreated with Sketch.

in #life4 years ago

Dear Steemit Diary this is entry #12 for the Steemit Diary game, yesterday was my day off and now today it was back to work, this annoyed me as when I checked my weekly rota I noticed it's the only day off that I get this week they could of easily given me 2 days off but for some reason they found it necessary that I come in.


Image By: @simonjay

Since I was working again today my alarm was set for 5:30 AM and I was surprised to wake-up so easily but even with waking up with ease I went down for breakfast and had my protein bran flakes I prefer this as it makes less noise around the house at that time in the morning.


Image By: @simonjay

When I finished breakfast I went back up to get ready for work, collected my things and made my way out the door.
This morning was still fresh outside but no as cold unlike the previous other two mornings this time the sun didn't shine while the previous other 2 mornings it did and so I'm glad it wasn't too cold as there wouldn't be any sun for me to go under and keep warm.

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Image By: @simonjay

Transport continues to be quiet at that time in the morning which I'm happy about.
I made my way into work and for the first time I saw that firstly a manager was drinking one of those machine made hot coco drinks that I like so much and later during the day a late colleague soon disappeared after arriving and came back with a hot coco drink.
The conclusion is it seems that it is only now that the staff around me who have worked here way longer than me have actually discovered the machines are dispensing free hot drinks.
Gosh they sure took their time figuring that one out but that is lazy people for ya...

Before I could fully start work this morning I needed a package to arrive and my boss informed me the delivery driver was on their way, since the bosses seemed to be doing not much else but sitting around enjoy their newly discovered hot coco drinks I thought it would be unfair that I can't enjoy one myself while I wait for the delivery man to arrive.

I rushed up to the breakroom went to the machine and waited for it to make me my hot drink, once it was done I enjoyed looking out the window and waiting to see the delivery man arrive while I enjoyed I also enjoyed a free breakfast bar that was put out as I waited for my hot drink.

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Image By: @simonjay

Seemed like a pretty good morning so far except the delivery man arrived before I was even half way through my hot drink.
My boss would be told when the delivery man arrives so I couldn't hang around, I tried to drink my coco but it was too hot and burned my tongue ouch.
With no other option I had to pour it down the sink which killed me to do but hey we live in a world where it's fine for some to do nothing and enjoy a hot drink while other's aren't.

Anyway so I went down to meet the delivery driver as he started unloading he's stuff I noticed he was sniffling alot and then started sneezing he got worried and explained to me that he was fine and that he didn't have the Covid virus haha and that instead he had hayfever.

I actually found it funny that he thought I would of been worried that he had the Covid this is because I knew right away he was sneezing and sniffling because of Hayferver.
I told him it was understandable that others might get worried or think it's Covid but that he had nothing to worry about with me because I suffer just as bad with Hayfever if not worse but was strangely fine with it in that area as I have explained before but that this reason is yet a unknown to me as to why it doesn't effect me as much on their site.

With the delivery received I could get on with my work which for the rest of the day was pretty normal I was just glad I had something to keep me busy until I was done for the day.

As I made my way home it was nice to feel it was a little warmer outside and that this didn't bring out tons of people onto using the transport but I had to admit I felt already really tired and so knew it was going to be a early night.

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Image By: @simonjay

When I got home made dinner a meaty mixture with tomatoes, cheese and red sauce which can be eaten with bread, chips or on dough like pizza or in wraps, I had mine with bread while the family made dough to eat it almost like a pizza.


Image By: @simonjay

I watched TV but only for a while as I wanted to login to Steemit and do my daily tasks and of course then write my dairy entry.

Basically with that done and me barely being able to stay awake it was time for bed.

And So That Concludes My Diary Entry For Today.

Our Ship Is Now Double Dolphin Powered

Double Dolphin Powered-giphy.gif


-Steem Price-

-Month 42 Of Steemit Monthly Reports-

-I Have Powered-Up To DOUBLE Dolphin!-

-Favourite Prehistoric Sea Monster-


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So if you like this page I need you guys to do me 2 easy things.

1.First please upvote this page.
2.And secondly dont forget to follow me below.

Also since votes don't always = $ and you if want to see more you can send me Steem Power Tips to @simonjay to help support me.

@paradise-found - @karenb54 - @koskl - @hanshotfirst - @mammasitta - @akomoajong - @yusril-xabre - @surpassinggoogle - @whatisnew - @kristy1 have already done this so a big thank you to them all!

[Follow Me Here @simonjay


Hey Simon Jay..!!

I am gonna miss reading your stuff. I sure hope to see You someday over in the Hive.

This is the reason I will not be coming here anymore.

I am a victim of what You just read. or are going to read I hope. My powered down Steem is sitting locked down on the Bittrex Exchange. Since May 20th I have not been able to do anything with it while Bittrex and Steemit litigate. Who knows how long that will be. I was really pissed at Bittrex until I read that legal breakdown of the events. The Legal Summary explains how Bittrex was used by JustySunnyTron as a weapon against anyone who "crossed" him. I do not want anything to do with a platform ran by someone like him.

I just wanted You to know, Respect to You man, You are an awesome Cat Daddy..!!

Hey @krazzytrukker I don't write posts on Hive at the moment as to write for both right now is too time consuming unless I could quit my job, but I'm still active on Hive curating and commenting and might write the odd post on there.

As for you being a victim of having your funds trapped in Bittrex your not the only one, I also have Steem funds trapped in Bittrex, I for one have not heard anymore about the progress and really hope they can come to a conclusion at some point so we can get our money back it's getting silly how long we need to wait but I do know when the whole Hive move happened Bittrex was also down for a good while.
Fingers crossed they can sort this out let me know if you hear anything else, thanks for the support.

I did see a cross post option. I would love to see a copy paste of the Non Steem specific stuff you post on the diary.

Your hot drink looks good, too bad you couldn't fully enjoy it.
But you made up for it with that meatloaf bread.

Oh they are delicious drinks Anasuleidy and yes that is a good point I guess dinner did make up for it, thanks for the support.

Thank you for taking part in The Diary Game on Steem.

Keep following @steemitblog for the latest updates.

The Steemit Team

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