Bellies for rent!!
The bellies for rent !!!!
Let's talk about a topic that for many is not as well known and for others it is simply something difficult to understand.
Some may wonder what a rental belly is:
Surrogates for rent or surrogate motherhood are given when a woman accepts, by agreement, to become pregnant in order to give birth or give birth to a child who will be raised by others as if they were her parents. In other words, a maternity will be in the presence of substitution through a pregnancy contract.
Now, how can you rent a belly:
It can be given by a procedure. After the in vitro fertilization is done, the woman's eggs are taken out, joined with the husband's sperm and embryos are formed; instead of being placed in the woman's uterus they will be placed in the uterus of the surrogate mother.
This whole process is also called or known as belly surrogacy:
Which is nothing more than the same surrogate pregnancy, or the so-called surrogate motherhood, surrogate motherhood, also gestation by substitution, or simply subrogation that is the practice by which a woman gestates a child for another person or partner.
With all this it is necessary to know what a surrogate mother is:
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She is a surrogate mother when the woman carries the pregnancy and gives birth to a baby that belongs to another genetically and legally. The terms gestational mother and rent bellies are also used to refer to this reproduction technique.
Some may wonder how a surrogate mother works:
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The gestation by substitution or colloquially known as mothers of a surrogate mother or surrogate mother, is that by which a woman agrees to give birth to a baby and to desist from her filiation, that is to say all her assets, including those of mother, in favor of other.
Some questions would be, how much does the surrogate pregnancy cost:
All these surrogate pregnancy prices can change according to countries and options. Surrogate pregnancy is one of the most expensive assisted reproduction treatments. The total costs may vary between € 26,000 and € 240,000, as already indicated, depending on the country in which it is carried out and the particular requirements of parents with such intention.
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