The #1 Rule which Helped me in Taking Control of my Life and Success

in #life7 years ago


If there is one thing I would advise every single person to do is to follow their heart. Too often we are criticized and judged for our decisions just because the majority of people don't understand them.

That doesn't mean they are ridiculous or wrong, it means that our surroundings don't have the same vision as we do.

For many years, the opinion of others had a tremendous impact on my life. When someone judged my dreams or goals, I played it tough on the outside, but inside I started doubting myself. The only thing which helped me in understanding this self-sabotage was the pain which I felt when I was trying to please others. Pleasing never worked and it never will.

So I started confidently follow my heart. I quit listening others opinion since everyone always knows how we should live our lives better than we do. Isn't that true?

believe in you quote.jpg

I am not telling you to be rude or disrespectful when people around you express their opinion. We all have a right to do that. But I want to challenge to never let someone else's opinion become your reality. You know what makes you happy, you know what your heart is dying for. For fo it, all the way, with everything you've got. Miracles stop happening.

"Dedicated to all of you steemers who are brave enough t follow their dreams no matter the pressure of the outside world.

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What a great message. Really rung through to me, I've had my own struggles with what people think is right and wrong for me to do. If I want to quit my job I can quit my job.. If I want to eat this, I'm going to eat this.. If I want to help out so and so because I feel like it, I will.

Screw those guys, like you say, they always know how to live your life better than you do. Hows about you do you, and I'll do me?

Well said. I like the part of your comment where you said that if you want to help someone just because you want to, others shouldn't tell you otherwise. And yes, do what you want and what you feel is right. You are the first person who has to be happy here in order to spread that happiness around. Glad you liked this post :)

I'm glad you appreciate that part because it's the part that matters most right now. I feel like more and more people are going to try and create a toxic environment as we continue forward and there is always someone trying to 'taint' the minds of others so that they don't help out those less fortunate. I see it constantly at my work, people refusing to help others because of how they speak or there race etc etc, the truth being we should help whoever whenever. It's meant to be a natural thing that we have within us through evolution, it's just misinterpreted now because of the influences that surround us.

You just spoke my heart. Helping people is sooooo freaking important. The best part? It always comes back. I see it daily. Those who always help others gain more all the time. And it seems to come to them naturally because of the karma. And those who don't want to share or help? Well, these people just never have enough.

110%! I'm glad you think like this too. It's so easy to give and add value to somebody who needs it most. We just have to do it for the right reasons.

Those who don't want to help but will cry for it when they need it most... Just typical isn't it!

I definitely hear you out on this! I consider myself lucky for realizing this early. We can never really please everyone, and attempting to do so will bring with it nothing but pain and distress.

I actually feel sorry for those who consider others' perspectives of them as a very big part of their life. Believe me, I've had friends who care more about what others think of them. And it's just as painful for me to see them live that way. It's definitely not the best way to live.

Glad you're also living your life for yourself and not for others!

So true. Pleasing others is painful. It makes you feel less and it reflects on your self-esteem. Always seeking validation is exhausting. That's why it is important for us to talk about it more and more. So more people realize that their strength is in their uniqueness and the ability to stand behind their dreams. Thank you for sharing your thoughts. :)

Exactly! It's the same problem I see: people always want validation from others. It makes me sad thinking how they end up neglecting themselves because of their desire to please everyone. While this might not be entirely bad in itself, too much of it is quite destructive.

But yes, this definitely has to be spread. I always try to talk to my friends about this and make them realize their self-worth... I can talk about it all they want but in the end, it's really up to them on what they're going to do about it. :)

Hi Silvia! I loved your cheerful positive message.
I usually read the "motivation" column on steemit and I write about it too.
You look so happy in the photo too, your smile made my day.
You have my vote and my following :-)

Thank you @sahan-youga. I am glad you liked this post and that my picture improved your day. Thank yo for your support as well.

Great message!

A great message. Abraham Hicks explains in great detail why it is so important.

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