COMING OUT OF THE Cluttered CLOSET- Gateway to the Subconscious

in #life8 years ago (edited)

As some of you that have followed me and read previous blogs of mine, you will know we are in the process of moving from the place we are renting now.

We are trying to get out of our current place by the end of the month and move more towards the west of the island in the rainforest.

So we have been packing up and going through stuff. What struck me was how much unneccassary junk we have clotting our lives. It actually made me feel stressed out, irritated, and grumpy!

yes, we all have that one chair that's most likely not destined to be sat on

Mind you we have downsized tremendously during our last 2 moves. (Once when we moved to the island and the 2nd time moving to the east of the island from the West end a year and a half ago.) Still there was so much stuff!!!


Unused Blankets, clothes that we haven't worn in years, shoes (I literally just need flip flops, I'm happy) dishes, empty jars, unused technology, a heater (who in the world uses a heater in the tropics), even cans of unused old food, the list went on and on.

There was mold everywhere!! (Cough cough) UGH!

And me I like to look at things in my environment as signs of a higher meaning and things going on a much deeper level. I like to take those signs without judgement and learn from them. And start the process of transforming my life.

So here I was trying to decide what the mold and junk were telling me. (As if they could talk.)

Mold indicates that something in your life has been ignored or is no longer of any use. It may also refer to the negative emotions that are expanding and growing in your subconscious.

Well that doesn't take a genius to figure out that most of the stuff has been ignored and not being used.

As for the negative emotions there was definitely negative emotions coming out of me just looking at the stuff.


It occurred to me that if hasn't been used in a year GET RID OF IT. Whether you donate it, sell it, or throw it out find a way to get it out of your life. So I started sorting stuff to sell, donate and trash.

Boy did that feel good.

As soon as I started doing that it felt like a weight was lifted off my shoulder. I felt freer. There was finally room for more enlightened and useful things to come back in our lives.

If the clutter in our lives become overwhelming , especially the stuff in our closets and basements. (Attics represent your spirit or your higher self) then that most certainly represents our subconscious being over run by clutter and it's time to do some internal deep cleaning. In other words it can mean that your subconscious is being run by thoughts and beliefs that no longer serve your purpose. It's time to clear it and move on.

Coming out of the closet

_ * closet alternatively could represent something in your life that you have kept hidden. It may also signify an unveiling of previously hidden aspects of yourself, as in "coming out of the closet".*_

Mold in a closet I could be something that you have kept hidden and not used like a hidden talent that needs to be practiced or used and needs to "come out of the closet".

When hoarding becomes something that weve naturally adopted because we are not good at letting go, there is no room for flow or growth. We become stagnant and the natural flow of abundance is cut off.

It can also act in its opposite where if you don't have a way to hold down or "ground" resources- A good example would be someone who's won a million dollars and a year later they are more broke than they were before they won the big bucks.

Although most of us hate cleaning and organizing it's really a necessary part of evolution, I believe. Otherwise it seems the focus and growth is In disarray. We become stuck in time and space.

When you receive and hoard, you have become the tomb of abundance. When you receive and give, you are the womb of abundant flow. -Almine (mystic and healer)


Hey Silverstring would you explain if you have time that is if I clean my closets and get rid of my old memories of all my old acquaintances how do I not miss theses items along losing memories of the people attached to these items?? This I know is a physical cleanse how do we cleanse the emotions that come with each item. Just asking for alittle advice. Thanks. Barryachts

Getting rid of stuff that belonged to a passed on loved ones is hard and a process within itself. These things do take time. And you might not want to throw those things away that you cherish the most and bring good memories. But if they bring up bad memories then you might want to start Dealing with them one at a time so you can start to move on, or have someone else get rid of them while your not around. I found this great arcticle a couple days ago. It might help.

Hey thanks a bunch im finally getting things done. Love you

I'm working on my hoarding tendencies so this is a good reminder. (And coincidentally, I live in the tropics!) Good luck with your clear out and your move.

Yeah, hoarding definitely doesn't work in this climate. Heat and damp are most definitely a recipe for disaster. Lol

Too true. I've turned to plant hoarding (outdoors) to satisfy my urge. I'm pretty sure my need to hold on to stuff comes from anxiety about having things when I want/need them and addressing that makes decluttering much easier to approach

Sweet help me clean my house please...

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