Atomic bombs are a complete con job – they don’t even exist.

in #life8 years ago (edited)

This con job was all new to me until very recently – I just never really thought about it. It’s a massive can of worms, but even I can tell that the old video footage is fake, and a quick look around online (not on Google though, because that search engine is less than forthcoming on this subject) rapidly has atom bombs looking as real as moon landings. Holy crap we are a gullible public.

Hiroshima, Japan 1945 – odd how the ruins look very similar to Dresden or Tokyo (see below) which were just obliterated using regular bombs…

The death tolls from each of these bombings are very unclear, but they were all horrifying, with Dresden possibly the worst. The post war cancer rates however, are more evident. (Also see below)

Dresden Germany

Nagasaki Japan

Hiroshima Japan

Tokyo Japan

Post WW2 cancer rates in Japan are a lot lower than Germany, and far lower than (nuclear free) New Zealand

This is all pretty complex, and cancer rates online are manipulated until the cows come home, but cancer death rates in Nagasaki and Hiroshima do not appear to be any higher than the rest of Japan, (although finding any reliable figures on cancer rates by city in Japan is not easy) and the cancer rates in Japan on a whole, are comparatively low.

The highest cancer rates are Denmark #1 (possible causes include high smoking rates, and reportedly high levels of depression, but there seems to be some other missing factors here), with New Zealand close behind at an appalling #4 (possible causes include water fluoridation, high rates of vaccinations, high use of pesticides, and high rates of obesity), USA (all the NZ factors, in theory at even worse levels, plus additional radiation – how NZ can rate worse than USA is downright suspicious) and meanwhile Japan is one of the lowest in the developed world at #51 (despite in theory having had two major cities destroyed by nuclear bombs). Very odd…

All cancer rates by country – cases - overall/male/female per 100,000 people - (SOURCE: WCRF.ORG)

1 Denmark 326.1 334.7 325.3
2 Ireland 317 355.9 285.1
3 Australia 314.1 360.5 274.4
4 New Zealand 309.2 337.6 287.1
5 Belgium 306.8 351.3 275.7
6 France (metropolitan) 300.4 360.6 254.9
7 USA 300.2 335 274.4
8 Norway 299.1 338.4 270.3
9 Canada 296.6 325.9 275
10 Czech Republic 295 348.8 259.1
11 Israel 288.3 303.7 280.4
12 The Netherlands 286.8 306.3 276.5
13 Luxembourg 284 324 254.4
14 Hungary 282.9 352.3 235.6
15 Iceland 282.2 305.5 265.6
16 Germany 282.1 330.7 245.7
17 Uruguay 280.3 354.4 230.7
18 Italy 274.3 310 251.6
19 French Polynesia 269.6 289.7 256.8
20 Switzerland 269.3 313.2 236
21 Slovenia 267.9 319.6 232.9
22 United Kingdom 266.9 280 260.5
23 Croatia 263.1 315 229.3
24 Republic of Korea 262.4 309.4 234.4
25 Slovakia 260.6 320.2 223.4
26 Sweden 252.1 269.6 241.2
27 Finland 249.8 271.3 239.8
28 Lithuania 244.4 316.5 207.8
29 Chinese Taipei 244.1 282.3 208.5
30 Mongolia 242.2 281.5 210.8
31 Spain 241.4 309.9 187
32 France (Martinique) 234.9 315.4
33 Austria 232.7 275.4 200.6
34 Estonia 230.4 285.7 203.7
35 Latvia 230.4 304 193.4
36 FYR Macedonia 225.1 262.1 196.5
37 Bulgaria 224.7 252.9 206.6
38 Portugal 223.2 266.8 190.8
39 Poland 222.9 280.5 185.5
40 Serbia 218.9 238.5 205.2
41 New Caledonia 218.5 208.4
42 Belarus 213.1 269 186.7
43 Malta 211.4 199.7
44 Barbados 207.9 251.3 189.1
45 Armenia 207.5 260.4
46 Argentina 206.2 193
47 Romania 205.1 240.6
48 Montenegro 204.3 185.2
49 Albania 202.8 196.6
50 South African Republic 202 254.8
51 Japan 247.3
52 Russian Federation 247.1
53 France (Guadeloupe) 245.9
54 France (La Reunion) 252.9
55 Puerto Rico 253.6
56 Honduras 181.6
57 Jamaica 205.1
58 Uganda 186.8
59 Singapore 188.4

Also see this site – it’s beyond ugly from a web design point of view, but has some very interesting content – NUKE LIES -

There are quite a few videos on YouTube about the nuclear bomb con but most of them are either poor quality or really long and boring.

This 10 minute video is one of the more watchable ones.

This post is also on my blog at


This should generate some interesting comments

I hope so, they are always fun. I'm writing a post about Hillary Clinton's advanced Parkinson's disease and the new and probably permanent use of a body double over the past week, but maybe soon I'll do one about the old favourite American myth of the moon landing

Well, you haven't received as much hate mail as I was expecting. Keep up the good fight.

All I can say is Woah!

I can't believe this... like seriously I can't even begin to get a grip on this. Everything that the world has been lying to us about. History in middle school to the moon landings and the earth could even be flat for all I know and I wouldn't know it at this point.

Well I'd ditch the flat earth part, but yeah, there's a lot of misinformation out there....

So many elite have been lying to us!

You can't say something is right or wrong because of statistics which could be fake or not. The truth is people will lie whenever they can if it helps them in any way. Also theres a natural radioactivity which is very different at each place and even there its different each day etc ...
My granddad worked in an uraniummine and he died when I was 3 months old. My other granddad worked in a carbonmine, he died when I was 15. Ofc you wont have carbon only in the ground, just because people want to mine carbon there. Radioactivity kills us, nobody is resistent against it. While some mushrooms that contain some substance actually grow faster and bigger with the help of radioactivity. The whole thing is just too big and scary to be understood by humans and in my opinion we shouldnd fuck around with.
Who doesnt believe that it kills you could just try it himself and go inside the reactor in chernobyl or fukushima. As soon as the radiation is high enough you will die - instantly.
So please stop telling people its harmless ... it's not !

I certainly never said radioactivity was harmless (feel free to quote me if I did)

I'm talking here about fake nuclear bombs - nuclear power stations and waste products are a whole different subject. A lot of lies there too, but that can all wait for another post

Bitmap, I'm with you. I believe there are a lot of false flags and cons out there, but this isn't one of them.

i mostly agree. elucidating this would require space and time not to be had here. there is a difference between particle and energetic, some of which is ionizing radiation. each has it's own effects. particle decay also includes energetic radiation as part of the reaction. this subject is rather large. humans can and do understand a great amount of it. enough to know that what we are doing now, with nuclear power, is unnecessary and deadly dangerous. the wrong amount of the wrong kind of radiation is deadly. some people are more resistant than others. i have known people who died of it and people who lived into their 90's after huge exposures. children should be shielded from any exposure of certain kinds. also, it would be near impossible for nuclear weapons to be fake. if you are interested in further discussion, say so. otherwise, thanks for not letting obvious mis and disinformation like this slide.

i still don't see any reason to disbelieve. i've seen all of that old video and many times more. the forest is the funniest part. the test was in the desert, no trees, the gov't hauled all those trees out to the desert and stuck them in the ground with concrete. that's why, straight rows. search: nuclear test on i know my gov't lies to me but i've been studying this since third grade, i don't see any way to have done fakery on that scale. especially as far back as the 40's. industrial light and magic just wasn't up to speed. i gave this subject a more than fair hearing. i dug into it for months and found nothing convincing. i tried to believe and couldn't.

According to the myth of the atomic bomb, everything would be totally annihilated if one went off. Nagasaki and Hiroshima both had buildings still standing all over the place despite having a very large number of wooden constructions. So for that reason alone the photos can be very revealing.

Anything odd about this photo?

you are misunderstanding. i can see no way of remedying this. true believers will not be swayed. no matter the evidence presented.

I have this vision that true believers will topple into a black van and be taken away to a private storage facility like Hillary Clinton if bits of evidence keep flashing before their eyes.

i will probably be hauled off before someone who spends their time convincing themselves that nuclear weapons don't exist.

My uncle worked on the bomb that was dropped on Hiroshima...

I'm not sure that is something I'd be enthusiastic about telling people :)

The layers of deception around the sudden invention of nuclear bombs by America (or was that really Germany?) in 1945, are so deep that this whole thing could get very confusing. My understanding is than many thousands of bombs were dropped on Hiroshima (but none of them were nuclear) and that hundreds of American workers were employed in making them.

I'm not enthusiastic, but I know they are real... that's enough for me.

That is the beauty of belief - it doesn't require photographic evidence...

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