in #life7 years ago (edited)

Can you remember when you first became too scared to post anything controversial on Steemit?

I remember the exact moment it happened to me. I was sitting on the toilet taking a dump when I heard a strange splot sound. Sort of like a dump but a double dump. It was the sound of my balls falling off.

It happened around about the time I started earning more than $1 per post. Prior to that I didn’t give a toss who I freaked out with my posts. On the contrary I actively wanted to freak people out as much as possible. My first full length post on Steemit in August, 2016 was "Some complete bollocks that believers have fallen for hook line and sinker" in which I asked "who created the assumptions in your own head, and is it in your interest to continue to believe them?"

Now I often find myself wanting to say a bunch more stuff that I’ve said on my blog but haven’t posted on steemit. Right now there are probably about five readers who are not bots saying “omg, put a sock in it you raving lunatic, people will unfollow you”. And my other five non-robotic readers will be saying “stop making squeaky noises, grow some balls and say what you want to say you big tranny”.

Ok, you guys win – here are ten of the things I’m hanging out to say in a post rather than just sneaking them into comments:

1 - Not only are vaccinations killing millions of people, they don’t work in any positive way, the entire process of vaccinations is one giant scam carefully designed to serve the eugenics agenda.

2 - That every major terrorist event that has taken place in America this century (and almost all the others) were false flags, and to avoid the hassle of lawsuits all of the false flags since 9/11 have had no real deaths (Yes, that includes Vegas, and the latest fake "shooting" in Florida).

3 - That every election in America for at least the past fifty years was fake and all presidents are zionist puppets (especially chump) whose job is to serve the zionist agenda of making money for the rotchilds and promoting the interest of their private country/state, israel.

4 - That everything the mainstream media says is propaganda, so as a rough rule of thumb, all news, all mainstream opinion, and everything that is said to the public has two purposes – to mislead and distract. Yes that includes much of the so called "alt-media" and that has already shaped a lot of the popular opinion on Steemit.

5 - Although Steemit is full of very intelligent and perceptive people, it is also increasingly picking up overflow sheeple from fakebook and youtub who believe all the utter crap they have been told by the mainstream media. These new sheeple are running all over Steemit trying to use features they don't understand. Like voting and commenting. Growth does have its potential downsides, and if we are all too polite to call a moron a moron they will get their toes in the door and start breeding. As one of them said to me, "you are a moran".

6 - That nobody really has a clue what any Crypto currency will do in the short term. They will either go up, or down, or stay about the same. And nobody knows how long the short term actually is, probably somewhere between next week and one year away. I’m betting they will go up in the long term, but I have no idea how long that long term is. And as a crypto investor, out of all the popular cryptos, the one I now actively avoid and distrust is Bitcoin

7 - Fakebook is a steaming pile of crap and not something to aspire to. There is a price to pay for Steemit becoming more mainstream, as well as more sheeple, and more morans, there is a tendency to promote bullocks. When people say things like Steemit is going to the moon (the moon landing story was fake anyway) or Steemit can become the new fakebook (how is that desirable?) I can almost hear my balls threatening to run off and join the circus, Steemit is not fakebook, and anyone who wants it to be should bugger off back to fakebook. I think if I see anyone else say that Steemit could become as popular as fakebook I might stop politely ignoring them and ask them if they are retarded

8 - Most mainstream American heroes are total con jobs. For example Steven Hawking has been dead for forty years and the stand-in pretending to be him is an obvious fake, and Buzz Aldrin not only never set foot on the moon, if he is still alive, he is a mind-controlled puppet. Most American pro athletes are loaded up to the eyeballs on drugs and the entire entertainment industry is a propaganda marketing machine fronted by actresses with breast implants and glove puppets pretending to be actors.

9 - That although new technologies like the internet and Crypto currencies have huge potential, at the same time much mainstream adoption of new technologies is serving the agenda of turning people into mindless, distracted fear-porn worshipping cell phone addicts. The internet of things is not designed to make the world a better place, it means your fridge will be filming you naked in the kitchen and subliminally programming you to want a diet coke.

10 - The pc fear of being “offensive”, is like a slow growing infection that is spreading firstly through sheeple, and even Steemit is far from immune to it. The greatest threat to our platform is not spammers from Bangladesh, or whales circle-jerking, it's everyone being scared to express themselves in case they cause offense.

Sorry if I have hurt anyone’s feelings, please don’t unfollow me. I respect your right to be offended. LOL – fuck that shit.



I'll happily read and upvote a post on any of those topics but you left out the holohoax ;-)

Nice post

Yes I did didn't I? - I'm into exposing the holohax too - that one really seems to freak people out...

I've always said exactly what I mean... If Steemit is really censorship free, then NP, right? Stephen Hawking was an idiot anyway... Big Bang, it doesn't even conform to the laws of physics they all worship... "First there was nothing and then the nothing became so dense it imploded and BANG!" I'd really like to see some dense nothing- anybody know where I can pick some up???

Stephen Hawking is a real can of worms isn't he?

"Physics has become a giant cash cow, milked straight from the various national treasuries by the usual suspects. Hundreds of billions of dollars are siphoned from the people of Europe, China, Russia, and the Americas via these fake programs. And Hawking was an important PR personality in the early 1980's, one they didn't want to lose. He was a top salesman of their various boondoggles, and he became an even better salesman once he was replaced by an impostor. Once he was replaced, his puppeteers had complete control over the product they were creating, with no fear that the real Hawking might develop scruples."

If he wasn't a cripple nobody would even know his name! I wish they'd leave science to the scientists!

But, he fits very nicely in that wheelchair!

Not only a gem post, but also really glad to find a like-minded Kiwi here. Greetings from Auckland.

That was me posting from teamnz account. I actually visited your website it's woke AF. And you are droppin some truth bombs here alright. I agree that you are pointing out the real issue: fear of expression in efforts of self preservation is perhaps the biggest problem of money incentivized content. Looking forward to chatting with you on Discord sometime :)

Following you now - we will expose New Zealand's deepest secrets!

Yo sift, I'm backing to posting controversial thing so about swingers and Fresca and that sort of thing. Check out my blog again, I'm back in action.

AWESOME - you know you are a genius?

Ignore the truth is not an option anymore.

There are still too many people supporting the sick system and without posts like this it will not change fast enough.

I am happy to see that more and more people are moving to the right side.


Nice post. Im still a bit unsure of what to post on my blog and how far to push it. I post alot of anti vax stuff on fb but still getting a feel for steemit . From what i have gathered its definitely nothing like facebook its way better, takes a bit of getting used to tho. iv hardly been on fb since i started on here 😂. I really enjoy reading your posts keep up the good work x upvoted n resteemed x

It's not easy seeing things that many others don't and/or are too scared to discuss. Brave post.

Many thanks - coming from you I really appreciate that!

Thanks mate - that means a lot coming from you!

Why does Japan have one of the lowest cancer rates in the world?

Why does Israel have one of the highest rates of skin cancer in the world when semites have olive/dark skin and should not be as susceptible to skin cancer as they are?

Israel is like Australia - white men living in the desert is not natural which explains why both countries rank so highly in skin cancer cases.

And, we were told that Chernobyl would be uninhabitable for 10,000 years but someone forgot to tell the flora and fauna that seem to be flourishing there. This doco contains a fair bit of disinfo eg anyone can bury a bit of radioactive material under the ground and lie a wolf on top of it and get a geiger counter to register a reading. My eyes tell me that the wildlife in Chernobyl is flourishing but TBH I haven't researched this topic enough to be absolutely sure what is going on - but I certainly am very suspicious.

There is some really odd stuff going on with skin cancer - NZ (land of the long white cloud) is off the charts - worse than Aussie

That is strange, I didn't know that. There are lots of different charts and reports but I believe you. It's a topic that I've wanted to blog about but I need to to do more research and frankly - there are other things and topics more important to me atm. I'm quite sure that what is going on in NZ ties into the depopulation agenda.

As you would imagine - it's a real rabbit hole:

"In New Zealand, melanoma rates have nearly doubled in the past 30 years, with about 50 cases per 100,000 people in 2011.

That puts our rate well in excess of Australia's, which peaked at 49 per 100,000 in 2005, and has since declined"

Well that is fascinating.

I do know that Australia has been running 'slip, slop, slap' ad campaigns for as long as I can remember. Slip on a shirt, slop on a hat and slap on sunscreen'.

I don't know of how much a role these 'public education/awareness campaigns' have played in reducing the number of cases in Oz but I thought it was worth mentioning.

"Oxybenzone and other vague mystery chemicals are found amongst a wide variety of name brand sunscreens, with many of these having yet to be proven as safe to use at all. About 8 percent of all sunscreens have been quality tested by the Environmental Working Group (EWG) to be both safe and effective for the intended use, whereas the other 92 percent contain at least one (if not many more) of the ingredients designated as detrimental for human use, further adding to the worry if sunscreen causes cancer.

This means the public not only has been encouraged to buy something that is known to be detrimental for at least a decade, but is only left with a selection that is 8% safe"

I don't give a shit to say what I truly think on steemit. Who is reading? Who is controlling us?
Who wants steemit to become facebook? And who knows what will happen to crypto?

There are theories that there are undercover agents promoting certain agendas - I have no idea if this is true but I'm confident you are not one of them, and I'm not either. We are OK!

when i get my steemit round i will post a pic of the jizz that will be over it - is that controversial enough?
Image result for jizz funny

Being a Moron is not bad. Better than an Imbecile or an Idiot. Start to take offence when they start throwing out Idiot. Only thing worst than an Idiot is one that is drooling.

Only thing worst than an Idiot is one that is drooling.

¡WRONG! only thing worst than an Idiot.. is: an idiot with initiative. LoL }:)

You get me there, those are the dangerous ones. :-)

And people buy it. Those Morons.

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