I imagine that you are reading this you entered this post because it caught your attention the title or simply because you want to know ¿what is it that you have?, ¿why are you addicted to seeing you in the mirror? ¿Or is it a disorder? There are many questions that we regard to this topic, but all of them will be answered.
Yes, that's the name of the obsession to look in the mirror. Maybe you've seen a friend, a guy, a niece, or perhaps you yourself have this obsession.
Many people have this disorder, but, ¿How do you know if you have or have this evil? Because that depends on how many times a day you see yourself in the mirror or any reflection.
This evil can be suffered by both men and women, although most people who suffer from it are women.
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¿How can you identify a captotrofilico?
The one who suffers this disorder where it happens has the need to see its reflection, either in the bathroom mirror, in the reflection of a car, in the mirror of the room, in short, anything where I can see its reflection. Obviously that is not seen only by doing so, no, it does so in search of some flaw in your body or face to confirm that "All this well" or once corrected "the defect" try to find another.
¿What consequences can bring the captotrofília?
We all know that everything in excess is never good, and although looking in the mirror looks like something insignificant, it is not.
This disorder can result in the suffering of constant auto punishment and distress, as well as much more serious disorders such as bulimia or anorexia.
¿Is there a cure?
Yes, psychotherapy is the first solution for people with this disorder. A therapist should investigate how the captotrofilia started in the person.
I chose to talk about this issue because there are many people who have this and don't even know it, also because I had this disorder and I knew it because I noticed it was not normal to see me many times a day in the mirror, And I asked myself this question "¿is it normal to see my reflection so much?", that question led me to search the Internet and know what I had. But thanks to God I realized what was on time and I have known to carry the disorder for which there is no greater consequence.
I hope you have discovered something new thanks to this post.