the short history of the "just now" culture of humans.

in #life7 years ago

This was first meant to by a response to an article about how to be succesful and get views on videos and articles and how we should focus on long term gain instead of short time counts...but it grew itself into a post: enjoy!

In the age when YT got grown big, i mean the first few people who got over 1million, 10million subs, was the time when they realised their audience.
4-16y old kids put there by mom dad or themselves because commercial TV and radio was getting too "old" or even "ancient" or just not cool enough, along this came the pocket internet evolution, and the nagging kids of the middle and upper class got what they wanted, their own pda with a phone included acess to the internet almost all the time. no more waiting, no more "boredom" because they could not think for themselves of how to create something enjoyable, because schools are forcing and uneducating children to be duller and duller every day, but now they had an INSTANT escape hatch to the imaginary kindom of the internet.

and it blew up quick.

so came the minecraft and all the current events of the largest users of these devices, england US europe and china(a bit later tough) all having only a semi inter-net, because it was language barriered (and still is) so this bursted the culture of the "just now" where just like in elementary and other schools, you are only cool and in the inside popular group when you know the intricate details as soon as they happen around you, being closer to the information delivery chain (jane told rebecca who told mary who told sammy who told it to...) means you are entitled to feel more important than others, it is a rudimentary social hierarchy that is mostly promoted by our own adults (parents teachers and the like) and hence kids learn from doing, not from telling.
And from this feeling entitled, if practiced (repeated) creates justification (memories) to actually believe and project it out to our own reality, hence change the way we behave and act around specific people or in specific occurrances/events. (drama queens anyone?)
when this instant communication was injected into such "game" social hierarchy of school, it only changed ONE thing which led to where we are right now.

but a bit of a detour before my conclusions...
Many people (when you ask them) will testify that technology has accelerated human development, and back in the "old" times, everything was slower progressing. now i don't deny this, i'm just here to lead you to the actual and only cause of it, because people didn't think less or slower or less creatively (almost the opposite actually)
yet the only real difference between then and now is the speed of sharing that we participate in.
Sharing as in not just giving a physical thing to another, rather sharing of ourselves, which is for the most part communication, but also includes other forms as well (creation for one)

how does this tie into the existence of impatient brats on their "smartphones"? easy:
our brain and mind (two seperate things) were designed to process and analyse preceptions, the more it does, the more it can simulate them, the more details i know of something the more i can "understand" or recreate them. this is important because we only consider something acceptable when we made it ourselves, including thoughts and feelings too! even if we are not aware of how and where we did such things we connect ourselves to them and hence this connection is titled ownership. in turn this resonates on a similar frequency to us (because we just modified and added our own resonance into the mix of the thing's) hence we experience growth (illusion of it anyway) which we desire and yearn for because deep down in the core of our encaged and limited beings we know, we are one and equal to everythign and all of existence. and growing is the illusion of regaining our self to be "true" and "pure" and "limitless" again.

i know this might sound jibberish nonsense and religion at once, while it is just the uglies and most "hurtful" turth you will ever read in your life. now you have a choice, read on and get your bearings, or close forget and keep living your loop until you get back here again., these are your rules, not mine, i'm just here to reflect you to you.

so that ONE change that i was talking about? our culture. to be a bit more precise the speed of which we change our culture.
we didn't get more clever or smart as a species, we still include things like justified murder, secrets, and ownership, and hierarchy in our cultures, we just happened to change the speed at which we change clothes on such "core principles" just like how it used to be kindoms for hundreds of years (allegedly) and now you "vote" every 4 years to have a new king. (2y in some countries)

so the speed of our changing culture has shortened, and we gave new names for new occurrances (not really new mind you) and linked ourselves closer and closer together to be able to taint more and more thing's frequency with our own and struggle and fight for ownership of, i know it's, or in other terms, i saw it's. the priority of creation over a lifetime first shortened for the creation within a career, then a year, then a month, then a day, then an hour, and now we are at the most important thing being the creation within seconds.
now every good creator knows that creating something is "irrelevant" without somebody actually recieving it, so along with the aofrementioned change in time, we also changed the amount of participants(recievers) from no-one(keeping everything to yourself) to one person (significant others) to families, to social groups, to companies, to fellow followers of ideology, to anyone who just happened to be able to recieve it. (online public users)

with these changes of course came the inevitable loss of value for the creations themselves, because the more similar here are, the less we think of it as a new thing and will start fading it out, filtering to keep our preceptions sensitive to rare and irregular other things. because we feel we already integrate those and/or just too many to do it all.

so what is the whole point of this article you just read? anything you make of it. nothing to sell here, no advice of dogma to carry on. just reality IN YOUR FACE.

I personally am not a fan of such changes over time, given that i have memories stretching far and wide across all the ages, having been jumped out of theloop of what i described in the first half...i just blew my cage apart, and while still having sharp edges and rememnants of it on me, can see how it is all constructed structured and built by me and others for what purpose, and that is what I shared a little of here.

I myself don't care about who or how many read this, the fact i can read it back is enough for me, and it's here to stay for a while anyway.

of course i could go on for a whole book series long, yet not time for that here just now...

I appreciate you getting this far in reading, or jumping to the end ;) have a great journey and read me again next time.

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