The Truth Shall Set You Free!

in #life7 years ago (edited)

It' s almost certain that you 've heard or read this phrase at some point in your life.

How do you interpret it?


Historically this phrase can be found in the Bible (John 8:32), where Jesus said it to the Jews who had believed in him. We will not go into religious details though, it's not the purpose of this post.

Later in the years the phrase was used in a non-religious way by various people and organisations , e.g. as a promotional slogan, a part of a script in movies, as well as a book title.

But how can this quote have a practical application to our daily routine?

Living in this fast paced society, within an environment of competition and "survival of the fittest" attitude, people easily use lies to achieve a goal or purpose, or to avoid some negative situations.

We have come to a point that people spontaneously answer with a small lie and not even realize that they have just lied! (I'm guilty of that too, and I don't think there is a person on earth that has not been there ...)

But the fact is that every time you say a lie you have to remember it, because at some point when you get asked something related to what you have lied about, you have to answer based on what you said.
And sometimes you may need to say a new lie to cover the previous... That means you need to remember that too... And so the story goes di-da-di, di-da-di... (Do you remember that song?)

You can understand that whenever you say a new lie, the more you will need to remember of what you have said...! This means that you need to have a good memory! (I guess we have just identified a very strong asset of a liar: strong memory! 😄)

Truth is the only way

It's easy to see that the truth is the best way to live one's life. When you always tell the truth you never need to think of what you have said... You just say the truth and the truth doesn't need to be remembered or recalled - it just is...!

This is the meaning I wanted to share through the title of this post.

The truth sets you free because you just say what you want to say, without any trace of worry if you have said "the right thing".
Saying the truth, you have your conscience clean, you feel calm and this - trust me on that - vibrates to everyone you encounter with...

Above all, however, you need to be true to yourself.

Do what you want and what's good for you, not what you "have to" or what others think is the right thing for you.

Socialize with the people who make you feel good and you enjoy the company of, not the ones you "have to" because you work together or you have been classmates in childhood: if someone does not make you feel good when you are around him/her, just let go.
Tell the truth to yourself and go where it's best for you.

The most important truth is the truth to ourselves... When we apply it, that's when real freedom begins!
Being true to yourself will reduce the need to say any lie to others.

Paraphrasing Mahatma Gandhi's quote:

"Be the truth you want to see in the world"


Im a huge fan of truth. I detest hypocrisy and I always say what I think, what I believe.. Im totally fine with my consciousness but the others are not always ok with that.. People seem to prefer lies from others mouth.. That however does not stop me from being who I am.. And as you said its true that its hard to remember the lies you've said and Im indeed horrible at that :P

You are so right about people preferring lies from others mouths...! It seems they have a fear of facing the truth...
Keep being who you are and let them not being ok with it... You are the most important person in your life :)
Being horrible at remembering the lies you've said, I guess classifies you to the non-serial liars category :P

If all people would be honest even with themselves, then the world would be completely different.

Indeed! Thanks for stopping by :)

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