in #life8 years ago


As promised - I'm moving along in my posts focusing on the "Urgency of the Times" as it relates to signs from God - for all to see.

Here are 3 verses from Scripture relating to Signs in the skies:

In the last days, God says...I will show wonders in the heaven above and SIGNS on the earth below, blood and fire and billows of smoke. The Sun will be turned to darkness and the moon to blood before the coming of the great and glorious day of the Lord" Acts 2: 17, 19-20

In the last days...there will be great earthquakes, famines and pestilences in various places, and fearful events and GREAT SIGNS from heaven." Luke 21: 11 (Jesus)

and of course the one I quoted in my last post:

And God said, "Let there be lights in the expanse of the sky to separate the day from the night and let them serve as SIGNS and for SEASONS and days and years." Genesis 1:14

We need to begin by understanding the means of two words in particular from these passages - SIGNS & SEASONS

SIGNS - (oate) - 'to come' - denotes a meaning related to SOMETHING or SOMEONE who will come.

SEASON (MO'ED) - "FEAST" - an APPOINTED time - a Holy convocation - a FIXED time - a SET time or EXACT time. Note the meaning of convocation - (migra) - A REHEARSAL - We will look at how this word actually relates to the Jewish Feast dates and then how those "FEAST DAYS" coincided with Jesus' FIRST COMING.

Based on these definitions of the Hebrew words - God seems to be reminding us that He was letting us in on HIS PLAN, which apparently involves using the Sun and the Moon to signal the APPOINTED TIME of someone (Christ) who is 'to come'. Matter of fact, this wouldn't be something new.

God gave Joshua:


and the Shepherds and the Wise Men signs in the heavens - signaling great and amazing events - e.g. Christ's First Coming.

Could it be that from the very beginning, God has planned to tell us something via the - SIGNS IN THE SKY?


So glad to see I have acquired more followers over the last couple of weeks - I hope that means you are interested in understanding SIGNS and EVENTS that are coming to pass over the next THREE months in particular.

I look forward to your UPVOTES - COMMENTS - and RESTEEMS.


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