Harry Potter Studio Tour!?!
Harry Potter Studio Tour
So Back in April me and my wife visited my brother but also went to the Harry Potter Studio Tour! To which you get to visit most of the sets and character clothing, models and props! As well as read facts about everything there!
Let the Tour Begin...
The doors to the Great Hall which is a MAIN set on Harry Potter, Especially the endings!
The inside.
Here are some of the Teachers clothes used in the films. (from left to right)
Sybill Trelawney, Mad eye Moody, Minerva Mcgonagall, Albus Dumbledore, Severus Snape And Rubeus Hagrid.
The fake desserts.
Gryffindor Common Room
The GOLDEN snitch
Inside the Potions Classroom.
Hagrids Hut
The FAMOUS birthday cake
The was the vault door for the Vault 713 to which it is a FULLY functioning door but is very temperamental
Inside the Weasley's house
Harry and Ron with all the trolley sweets
It's gonna be a Bumpy ride! The Knight Bus
Harry's home well, where he lives ;)
One of everyone's Favorite... DOBBY!
Part of Diagon Alley
Below are a few snaps of Hogwarts. The model was built for the first film and has been used for exterior shots in every film since. Was created by 86 artists and crew members which took an incredible 74 years to build. With it measuring 50 feet across!!!
Who can forget the Hogwarts Express!

This is just a Hand full of pictures I have from over 200+. For those who LOVE Harry Potter, dont hesitate just GO. It is AMAZING!!!! Tickets are not that expensive and really this is a once in a life time thing unless your such a big fan you want to visit more than once! To which I am planning to as they have just opened up the Forbidden Forest sets :o
My daughter went with her cousin and my sister, she loved it. You took some great pictures
In the nicest way possible. I hate you. 😂😂 I want to go sooooo sooooo sooo bad. Amazing pictures. One day I'll make it. Us potterheads have to stick together. Upvoted, restrained and followed. Feel free to follow back and spread the hp love. ❤️