The House of Stone Faces: The True Story of the Bélmez Faces

in #life7 years ago (edited)


Photo of Bélmez de la Moraleda a southern Spain town with 2,000 inhabitants

Last night I was thumbing through a few shows on our Amazon Video account and came across an older paranormal show called 5th Dimension, a show like you seen before...odd stories of hauntings, strange creatures, and folklore's of strange events in human history. I am a nut when it comes to mysterious stuff like this plus UFO shows so I got intrigued and settled on checking out a few episodes. To my surprise there was a segment on a lady in Spain that had a truly unusual situation going on in her home in the early 1970s, such a story that I am amazed I have never heard of this on more modern shows on the paranormal.

So with me being the curious minded type, I decided tonight to take a further look into this story and decided to share with you the facts in this very strange case that seems lost already on history.

The House of Stone Faces: The True Story of the Bélmez Faces

Our story takes us to 1971 in the southern Spain region of a little town called Bélmez de la Moraleda. A true to life Mediterranean village that harbors many of the working class generations that keep the olive oil industry strong. In the summers the town boasts a population influx from tourist flocking to the nearby Mediterranean Sea and the village welcomes them like family long lost.

In this town was a resident there named María Gómez Pereira, who one day in 1971 noticed a strange stain appear on her concrete floor in her kitchen. Figured this was a mess left by her husband, María decided to just scrub the mess clean. As she attempted to clean the stain, nothing she could do would remove it. Hours of attempts and still that very stain persisted to stay where it presented itself.

María noticed the next day that the stain seemed to have changed in appearance, upon looking more detailed at it she come to fear the stain due to the fact it appeared to be a man's face staring right back at her. This created panic in María and she vehemently scrubbed over and over again which did no good. Due to the sight of fright in his wife, María's husband took drastic action and took a pick axe and violently took aim at the stain. He worked on it for hours and ended up ripping up that section of the concrete floor.

After refilling the spot with fresh laid congrete, things returned for a short time back to normal for this Spanish home...

A week had passed, the two inhabitants had no idea what or where that marking meant but they figured it was behind them and just something strange but once again the same very face had appeared in the same very spot where the new concrete was laid..

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Photo of the stone floor featuring the Faces of Bélmez

The town became aware of the strange happenings in the home, many speculated the house was beseeched by the devil. To calm the people of Bélmez down the mayor asked the Pereira family permission to further investigate the home, which they obliged due to the same desire about getting to the bottom of this mystery.

Here's where it gets interesting

In order to get to the bottom of this mystery, it was agreed to excavate the floor. After a seriously long dig, it was uncovered that numerous decapitated skeletons were residing under the very floor where these faces were appearing. On further examination of the remains it appeared they were dated back to the 13th century but mysterious remained as to who they were because there was no local history matching these bodies being located there. The remains were laid to rest in a local cemetary, and the floor reformed back with new concrete in hopes that would return the home to normalcy...but they were wrong....

More faces began appearing, all the way through the life of Maria, who later passed away in 2004 at the age of 85. To this day, even after her death more faces appear. Some scientists have actually deemed this one of the most important paranormal cases of the 20th century while others still remain skeptical of it being a hoax, though the evidence is clear all parties involved in this are no longer with us so as to who would be continuing a hoax would leave more mysteries if that is the case.

The House of Stone Faces has become a local tourist spot, you can still view the faces to this very day. A mystery we may never solve but a very amazing story none the less.

Here is more photographic evidence of the Bélmez Faces



This is just the tip of how many has been seen over the years


Inside the home of Maria and the area by which these faces appear

I found this fascinating seeing these appear and they found a handful of skeletons under the floor that seems no one knew about. I believe if this is a legit paranormal situation it must mean there is plenty more screaming through the floor for proper burial and maybe the cause of this strange situation. Some researchers have said they thought Maria had something to do with them reaching out to her, no one ever seen this happen before her but some have thought it was all due to her yet it continues on still after her passing. Another strange addition into the many ways we still have yet to figure our world out. I think there is something to this story and why I posted it, might deserve more research in the future.

Figured a little crypto break into the strange lol...hope you enjoyed!


Follow me @sflaherty


Great story! Do I want to believe or not, I'm not so sure, but I am almost certain that something exists behind curtain of reality 😊

I found it fascinating, far as it being a hoax or not, they tried to rule that out for 40 years not of these appearing so unsure at this stage if they will ever get to the bottom of this strange happening...just find it so odd how its not a huge well known story lol...all these paranormal shows and this one seems to slip them. I do think we don't know everything about the spiritual world so never know it might be real in some form. Glad you enjoyed it though, key about it is just the story itself....figured it was worth a write up lol

Fascinating read. But I am stunned that no one wants to put a CCD even in this day and age when it is reported that new faces still continue to appear to clarify the hoax!

I find that odd too. Its literally now a tourist spot since the old lady passed away and still to this day the faces appear, move too from what I read, not a movement in real time but they won't be in the same spot in a given week. Its so odd with all the shows we watch on this stuff that this story isn't featured ever on any of them, stumbled on it from an old show made in the 90s so might be just something they don't feel worthy of investigating. Figured it was a story worth a moment to write about, different to say the least


lol....what I thought when I seen the show last night, figured take a little breather from the old crypto stuff and share it, never seen anything on this one before so odd its not in those ghost shows lol.

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