Tips to Help you Not Get HACKED!!!

in #life8 years ago (edited)

I want to start off by saying Whales.. This is for you.. Hell I don't even want the upvote.. Put it at 0%. One bad thing about Steemit is the Transparency of the money people make.... This makes people with large account values... TARGETS. Just me thinking with my Ethical Hacking mind but... If I wanted to hacking someone and get some money. Would I go after the guy making .50 cents a post or the user making $1k+ per post??? I would go obviously for the big money. ID The target.. start a convo with them.. Find some way to send thme a message, email, or link. Hell the IP (Which isn't hard...I can make a picture that captures IP address as soon as loads on a users system). Now with this thinking I can assume that they not only have lots of money in Steem but elsewhere a lot less secure than Steem... and that is where I will start....

  • Watch what you put online - Yes we are bloggers we welcome people into our lives.. That don't mean everything. Remember those Myspace Surveys back in the day.. Favorite Color... Dogs name.. All those sound like the security questions certain websites ask you. If you want to put things like there on the Net... MAKE UP ANSWERS FOR THE SECURITY QUESTIONS.. make it so crazy that nobody would even know..... Name of first pet? "Yo Momma"

  • Change Your ISP Modem/ROUTER Password - A neighbor didn't believe me but I was able to google his modems password and change the SSID to "GOBENGALS" . Change your routers default password. THE DEFAULT IS A GOOGLE SEARCH AWAY.

  • Don't just download and Click ANYTHING - always hover over the link. The actual address should show. Many people get faked out by false web pages all the time.. especially in public places "FREE WIFI" SSID that takes you to the page that does nothing.. Yep.. Hacker... Stay away from untrusted websites that give you downloads... If a download starts and you didn't click anything.. STOP IT ASAP! If you do Download something intentionally... SCAN SCAN SCAN..

  • Firewalls Virus Protection and Keeping them up to date - This could have saved companies millions.. Just having these things on will not stop a good hacker but it is another hurdle. I know its annoying to wait for the update to restart your computer and install but its necessary. Hackers are getting into your system with Trojans (downloads you want with malicious code that creates or installs a backdoor for hackers)

  • DONT AUTOSAVE YOUR PASSWORDS or Credit CARD INFO - Users usually select convenience over security. Hackers bank off this. Take the time to type in your password and your credit card.... Best to be safe than sorry. There is a way to see your password in plain text in that password field (Even works for Steem.. I just checked) so a Hacker could take that information for later use not just from your system...

  • REFERRING TO #5 - 2FA... Helps but doesn't completely secure you. How many people access Steem from their phone? Gemini? Any Exchange or site using 2FA? I have the Google Authority .. some have SMS... Either way... There are ways around it. Programs that can predict the next code / brute force (older versions) / and keyloggers. Don't think that this just makes you safe.. it's another hurdle.. If a hacker is patient enough and good enough.. HE WILL GET PASS THIS. Everything that can be hacked on a computer goes x2 for a cell phone... (CELL PHONES ARE VERY UNSECURE)

  • TURN OFF YOUR COMPUTER WHEN YOU GO TO SLEEP - That is a sweet sleep screen you got there...... Hackers don't give a fuck.. Hackers wait until night because that's when they can make the most moves on your system or in your accounts with out you knowing.. Turn it off.... Can't backdoor your system if its off.

  • Passwords - Good Strong passwords.. 'Password' is not a good password 'Password1234' is not a good password.... 'P@$sw0rd!(*%!' is a good password......... The longer.. the more special characters.. the better..

  • DON'T SET ALL YOUR ACCOUNTS TO THE SAME PASSWORD! - That is just making the hackers life so much easier.. "Find out one... I GOT THEM ALL" KEY IS HURDLES.. ANYONE CAN BE HACKED... BUT MAKING IT HARDER AND HARDER can make a Hacker give up.

  • DON'T TRUST ANYONE - I don't care how helpful they are, what they can send you, links, pictures, emails. All are used for Social Engineering.. Hacking is not done like it is in the movies(BIG RED BUTTON THAT SAYS HACK) YOU THE USER HAVE TO GIVE THEM ACCESS SOME HOW. I cant just pick an account and Hack it. IT DOESN'T WORK THAT WAY.. Hackers know people want shortcuts, advise, are curious, etc. They use this to get inside and steal EVERYTHING. TRUST NOBODY..

THIS WAS ALL IN REFERENCE TO WHAT HAPPENED TO ONE OF OUR STEEM USERS!!! Maybe its not the case with him but help protect yourselves!! Also go check @cryptoiskey and his Story:


Great tips! I just started a few days ago and this helps a lot. Thank you.

that was odd... In my preview panel my post showed up fine.. press enter.. IT CAME OUT LOOKING LIKE I WAS DRUNK.. had to edit it... Keeps doing it.. FOUND A BUG

Been noticing similar issues. Submitting a report?

Caught a glimpse of the article just before my steemit page decided to update when I changed tabs. Went searching for it. Glad I found it. Was worth the read. I'm up in the IT field. Good to be following. Keep in contact.

This is an excellent article and I am really glad that I happened upon it! I don't resteem all that often but I am definitely going to resteem this!

Dangers of AutoSave.. this is with Steem


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