Another Day in the Life of an Anarchist

in #life8 years ago (edited)

"Ah... freedom." 

I mouthed the words as I exhaled with a big smile stretched across my face. This has become a typical morning ritual for me. Every day I wake up to the smell of freshly combusted gunpowder, a remnant of the nightly battles between roving street gangs. I thank God... no. I'm an anarchist... I thank the universe that there is no longer a state to confiscate the guns from these violent sociopaths. 

Life is so much better now that I live in the ruins of a city torn apart by the warfare of countless factions vying for power.

The roads are crumbling apart. Of course they are, without government there is no one left to step up and maintain my city's infrastructure. 

There are children playing with a soccer ball in the streets—what's left of them anyway. I watch through the cracked glass of my bedroom window as their ball lands in my front yard. It's time for action. They can't threaten my property like this. I reach behind my back and grab onto my AK-47. It's always there since there's no authority to mandate what I do with my weaponry. 

I kick open my front door and shoot the two children who had run onto my yard to collect their ball. I have to protect my property. 

Two adults who claim to be the parents of these boys (I can't trust anyone, this might be a ruse to infiltrate my private residence) cradle the crumpled bodies of the dead children. The woman screams and cries as the man stands up and charges at me hurling obscenities. I have no choice but to shoot them too. My personal security had been compromised by their blatant aggression.

I retreat back into my house and seal the 37 locks I have fastened to the door. 

I thank the universe for my freedom. 

What a day. I think to myself, Maybe later I can waltz down to the convenience store and pick up a new grenade launcher and a nuclear warhead. That'll sure lift my spirits. 


Surprise! This story isn't true. Despite the objections and fear-mongering of statists, this story does not represent a world that most anarchists would want to live in. 

If you want to learn about a real day in the life of an anarchist, you can read this blog entry.

Each day I go about my own business. I try to live freely. I try to live peacefully. This is true of most people. None of us our perfect, but we don't want trouble. We just want to be left alone. So stop using violence to impose your will upon us. I'll close with a quote from the real day in the life of this anarchist:

Though I had tried to live out my day as a free man, almost none of my actions were left untouched by the hands of a parasitical faction who call themselves "the government."

I was unable to trade for food without them taking a cut of the exchange.

I couldn't drive my vehicle without taking multiple tests to prove my ability to the government, and then paying them a fee every few years to retain this right of transport.

I was not allowed to work for another man without the government forcing me to give them a percentage of every paycheck.

My rent has had to be increased due to the burden of constant state robbery placed upon my landlord simply because he owns land.

Even my marriage had to be legitimized by expensive state documents.

I live my life as a peaceful man, interacting peacefully with others who wish to do the same. But I am met with theft and a constant threat of violence from a group of men who claim they have the moral right to do unto me that which I am not allowed to do to anyone else. 

Thanks for reading.



The portrayal of us as bloodthirsty maniacs seems to be the norm, unfortunately.

Pesky children always trying to get on my property and breathe my air. I paid good money for that air.

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