I’ve seen beyond
I’ve seen beyond the corporeal divide,
into the stream in which we stride.
And that we are its eternal flow, the very
source of love in which we grow.
Enveloped in light and engulfed within, His Face
from whom we all begin.
Whose nostrils do breath within this place
as the whirlwind of soul do integrate
from this source do all things be, in us to end, and to be free.
Does He by His crimson thread suspend all things indelibly set,
whether seen or no, but to this end, is placed in Him!
to us begin.
To see, and know of all that is, and to be of wait, and to depend,
on walk wherein is this grace to given, without fret of time, nor space to live in.
In that which is to shortly come, to those who know what is to come.
To flow from is, to thee, and then, shall that, at last be within.
And, we finally the last to be are first and the last shall truly be, again reversed to thee.
The sheer Vail, divides spirit from soul , to pierce to gain its toll.
All is given, to groan within this sheer, as soul is grieved, and then to fear.
Through what is seen through the tear, all in one shall we be here.