What is"Happiness."

in #life8 years ago

Before you start talking about happiness, I would like to recall the statement of a genius, in my opinion, teacher and writer A. S. Makarenko:
"To teach people how to be happy is impossible, but to educate him so that he was happy."
Despite my admiration for his methods of upbringing, I will allow myself to disagree with him. Usually educate children and adults can only learn. But it turns out that if in childhood you were not EDUCATED to be happy, this train is gone forever. And how much would you not tried, as an adult, happy you'll ever be.

Happiness is a serious issue that should not be violated in a few words. Based on the opinions of many authors, which is probably equally philosophers, and psychologists, and from his own experience, let me name the most important components, or principles of formation and happiness.

  1. The feeling of gratitude. People somehow arranged so that are not always in abundance, but lack. Only losing something, you know, how it was "cool" when they had it. All good things taken for granted: a home, freedom, family and friends, availability of work, opportunity to learn, to help people... isn't that enough?
    Right now every, I think, can name at least 5 values for which he can be grateful. Who? Life, God, the Universe, parents, yourself... it is Important to know how to be grateful.

  2. The decision to be happy. The here and Now. Most people are living like on autopilot, doing daily chores and at the same time thinking about the past with its mistakes, the present with its problems and uncertain future where only one thing is clear: the problems will not diminish. Thus, the person programs himself for the troubles and failures in any endeavor.
    But! It is important to remember that no one will come and make him happy, until he one day decides to become happy right now, this very minute.

  3. Open up your eyes. People live a lifetime, as if with closed eyes, buried in routine. No one notices the charms of snowfall, blue dusk, warm drops of rain on his cheek, a touch of your favorite hands...
    Love life in all its manifestations.

  4. For life should be targeted. It is impossible to be happy living in chaos. Man is happy when he is doing, was doing something important for myself and other people, has goals and reaches them, when he directs his life, and not she them. But how to be happy when I don't know what I want and want?
    Therefore, the concept of time management, self-discipline and management by objectives are of paramount importance. Because happiness need to organize!

  5. The concept of happiness at everyone. I'd say happiness is for men and women. We are not talking about deliberately-placed priorities. Each sex has natural, instinctive values.
    Men, as a rule, happy, professional and sporting achievements that highlight their strength and importance in his own eyes and in the eyes of others. For them, victory in these areas allow us to be real men.
    Virtually any woman love owning things that make it attractive: beautiful clothes, jewelry, nice things. In short, everything that will make it look more beautiful and be admired, flowers, smiles, compliments, signs of attention – this award for her efforts again generates a feeling of happiness and the feeling of being a real woman.
    So let me suggest that Happiness as such also have gender.

  6. To be themselves. Today more than ever, society imposes on us many roles: Pro, supermen, tough guys, thugs, "in their Board", socialite, bitch, good little girls and boys, etc., and seems to make us these roles is stronger in the eyes of others, only happiness does not increase.
    It is clear that we strive to be what we want to see, often forgetting that it is impossible to please and like everyone. That wearing someone's mask, we not only lose individuality, but we break ourselves from the inside. Actually, to be oneself is true freedom, it is everyone's right, and this right sometimes needs to defend!
    In my opinion, to educate people happy need from school, from first grade on. And, of course, to create a new profession – CASTLEBED!

In conclusion, I would like to note that happiness is of two kinds: happiness as the result of any significant event in life (buying cars, life partner, getting higher positions) and therefore an unstable phenomenon, and happiness as a habit, consciously generated by the individual and carefully maintained.
Learn to be happy all the same! Checked – works.
But the most amazing thing is the fact that happiness is not a goal, do you think those aspiring to it, and the result.
There are numerous spiritual laws of Abundance, Love, health, Success, and hence Happiness. Compliance with at least two or three of them will give good results.
It is important to remember one thing: if you want to be happy – just be it, don't wait for a miracle, make this miracle for yourself!

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