Stephen Hawking World Renowned Physicist Tribute @senseicat

in #life7 years ago (edited)

Legendary physicist Stephen Hawking passed at age 76 peacefully in Cambridge. He is famous for writing A Brief History of Time, including his black holes and relativity theories.

Living to the impressive age of 76, due to his diagnosis of motor neurone disease at the prime of his life when he was 22 years old.

hawkings 1.png

He spent the majority of his life in a wheelchair and spoke through a voice synthesizer that allowed people to hear him.

Stephen Hawking discovered Hawking radiation meaning that "black holes leak energy and fade to nothing."

Furthermore, Sir Roger Penrose and Hawking proved "Einstein's general theory of relativity implies space and time would have a beginning in the Big Bang and an end in black holes."

His 3 children, Lucy, Robert, and Tim, ""We are deeply saddened that our beloved father passed away today. He was a great scientist and an extraordinary man whose work and legacy will live on for many years."



I love following my followers @senseicat


I wonder what the family is going to do with his remains. It seems fitting that they do something epic like how Elon Musk sending a car in orbit around the sun.

Upvoted! I read his book brief history :)

That is pretty impressive. I imagine that it is a challenging read for non-scientific people?

I only found out Stephen Hawking died from reading your post. So first of all, thanks for the update.
This is a bitter-sweet moment, I think. On one hand, this amazing man lived longer than anyone could have imagined, and was bright and successful and was blessed with a family and reputation and almost anything a man can want. On the other hand - he didn't have what most people take for granted - the ability to move, or even to function.
I'm amazed by what technology and medicine can do for a man's body, and making it to age 76 - which is something that until fairly recently was rare in the world even for healthy people - is almost unbelievable in Hawking's condition. So on the one hand, yes, this is very sad, the world lost a great man and a genius. On the other hand - I do hope he gets to rest in peace now. This couldn't have been an easy life to live, even for a genius.

I didn't know he had died, he was a man who contributed a lot to science, I hope his family has consolation

Stephen Hawking - a remarkable man! Just what he has given us to knowledge is a lot. His legacy will be with us for a long time. Thank you for the information.

Successful people always have a bitter story in their lives in the past
example : legendaris Stephen Hawking
interesting story from @senseicat

May he rest among the stars !! A sorrow day for the science world . He is the synonym for passion , perseverance and determination .

Sensei I'm getting up right now, I'm looking for my cup of coffee and I'm sorry to have to find out like that. he is my greatest idol, I have had several nervous breakdowns where only his essays on quantum physics have helped me, now he travels at an unimaginable speed through the singularity

Example of everything! An important loss!

We stand on the shoulders of giants - in the future many will unearth new theories and ideas due to the work Stephen Hawking did! :)