Fear of the Future Is Real: Getting in the Best Mood to Achieve Your Desired Lifestyle This Year.
You can always change and or adjust the targets and goals anytime you need to, after all this life is yours and yours alone.
I am the master of my fate: I am the captain of my soul.”
Poet William Ernest Henley
What a relief! Knowing that the pressure you're experiencing is all external and can only affect you if you let it in, just like a ship, which can float on water for so long and only sinks when the water enters it. This is empowering to the individual, a position someone can leverage to do better, be a better person; the best version one can be. The sky is no longer the limit, it's the launching point now.
Recent experience with the Covid pandemic has brought a new reality to the world as we know it and possibly even changed how we perceive the future and what is in store for the new reality. A reality that has revolutionized technology, travel, education, and the way we interact socially.
Adapt or perish, that's the stand am taking for the rest of the year, am embracing technology and social media posting as I've never done before. Both for my businesses and personally; building a reputation on social media for everything am about such as civil engineering, software training, cryptocurrencies and the blockchain, and trading the financial markets
The other day, I listened to a seminar by Dr. Myles Monroe on "How to Fulfill your Purpose in God Fearlessly", he mentioned having a plan/ a resolution to do what you would wish to do in 5 years in just 1 year. I felt inspired by the thought of the whole idea, my mind was racing, thinking; how does that look like, how it will affect my relationships, how much work I would need to do, what can go wrong, all scary stuff and scenarios, but I chose to keep positive and embrace the challenge; am curious of the results.
The whole idea is to take control and be in charge of who you are, where you stay, what you eat, what you wear, the people you interact with frequently, your legacy; who are you after you depart from the face of the earth, all valid questions, no doubt.
Keep on Steeming On!
PS: The unlabelled pictures were taken by me. at the office rooftop
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