On The Care and Feeding of Lone Wolves (Or Lack Thereof)

in #life7 years ago

In my last post on this topic some weeks ago, I explained that many gamma males who feel unable to rise sufficiently within the establishment masculine hierarchy innately fear emasculation as a consequence. At an unconscious level, they believe that their inability to compete calls their manhood into question. Because they identify as male, their very identity is challenged.

For most of them, fortunately, this is just a stage. Either the circumstances will change so as to eventually validate their sense of masculine identity, or else (like Jack in Fight Club) they will eventually make peace with feminine aspects of their identity, their anima, and settle into society that way. So, they either eventually rise within the pack, or else they simply assume their place at the “bottom” and, from there, contribute in meaningful and important ways to the overall social organism.

Regardless, as these once-troubled gammas settle into place somewhere within the hierarchy, they receive repeated doses of serotonin which contributes to both their and the pack’s sense of safety and belonging. Serotonin’s role in preserving the social hierarchical order of pack animals is very well established: https://www.google.com.pr/search?dcr=0&ei=cmaRWpqxKpLyzgKC26zIBg&q=serotonin’s+role+in+hierarchy&oq=serotonin’s+role+in+hierarchy&gs_l=mobile-gws-serp.12...30579.31991..33216...0....118.863.1j7..........1..mobile-gws-wiz-serp.......0i71j30i10.J9BW%2BJ6wpUU%3D.

But some small (growing?) portion of gammas, who are less self-aware and who can’t bring themselves to embrace their anima, will turn their backs on the pack to protect their fragile masculine egos. Refusing to accept an “emasculating” position at the bottom of the hierarchy, they turn anti-establishment, sometimes in extreme ways. They tell themselves that the establishment system is “rigged” by the alphas who are in turn empowered by the “sheeple”—the duped, corrupted and/or unprincipled betas. (Well, they’re not completely wrong, but that’s beside the point).

“Real men”, they tell themselves, aren’t beholden to the establishment system, or any system, for safety and security. Instead they are self-sustaining “lone wolves” who operate at the edges of the pack, taking what they want rather than playing kiss-ass to the unworthy alphas in hopes of handouts and protection. “Real men”, they tell themselves, make their own security. Hence many gamma’s usual obsession with violent video games, survival training, military gear, guns, knives, etc.

But all this bravado is but a poor coping mechanism for the daily terror that these gammas experience living outside of the pack. Though they attempt to delude themselves that they are safe and okay as lone wolves, their very biology—their DNA and neurotransmitter systems—scream otherwise. Biologically humans are pack animals. Removed from the pack hierarchy, they run massive deficits of serotonin and oxytocin and consequently experience severe bouts of depression, anxiety, paranoia and similar symptoms, all common traits of most gamma male mass shooters.

What these poor souls need most is compassion and belonging—reassurance of their masculinity and/or assistance in accepting their feminine qualities, and repeated, loving invitations to rejoin the pack, even if only at the “bottom”. Like “Jack” in Fight Club, it’s ultimately making peace with their anima that will save these guys, not false bravado hyper-masculinity. But, they need help recognizing this.

I theorize that in times past these gamma’s often received the needed help and outreach, usually from sufficiently self-aware women within the pack who were not overly triggered by the gamma male’s false bravado. Seeing through the false bravado to the deep sense of shame behind it, these women compassionately and adeptly reassured the gammas that the pack had a place and role for them. Thus, with sufficient outreach from these women, the gammas either eventually rejoined the pack or at least never worked up sufficient hate to actively attack it.

But today seems different. Today, especially in the US (and Anglo-Saxon parts of Western Europe), it’s increasingly difficult to find anyone, especially females, who are not triggered by masculinity in general and hyper-masculinity in particular. Fear of the masculine is actively cultivated by the intelligentsia. Masculine traits (like competition, ambition, hierarchies, risk taking, etc.) are systematically vilified or portrayed as pathological in our schools and in the media. The men of history, or at least their masculinity, are openly blamed for most of society’s perceived ills—competitive capitalism, consumerism, naked ambition, colonialism, slavery, wars, inequality, environmental disasters, etc. Today’s women are socially conditioned to fear so-called “rape culture” (despite that the incidence of rape is near all-time lows and has been for quite a while).

The fear of the masculine is now so deep that our schools and our media often fail to differentiate between “toxic” masculinity and masculinity in general. This begs the question: What would a non-toxic version of masculinity even look like? Everyone that I’ve ever asked has struggled to answer that question in a way that didn’t describe...well... femininity.

Said another way, non-toxic masculinity apparently now looks a lot like femininity, which is to say that it’s not very masculine at all. The feminine qualities of cooperation, inclusion, equality, community, nurturing, etc. are almost universally esteemed as virtuous and selfless while the traditional masculine qualities of competition, hierarchy, ambition, and individuality are consistently portrayed as egoic, shallow and even pathological. For example: https://www.nbcnews.com/think/opinion/patriarchal-race-colonize-mars-just-another-example-male-entitlement-ncna849681. Instead of a healthy yin/yang balance between the masculine and feminine, society know defines femininity as virtuous and masculinity as pathological, “toxic” or even malevolent.

In short, “toxic masculinity”, by which is all-too-often meant simply masculinity, has become the scape goat upon which all of the West’s sins, or perceived sins, are psychologically projected. And yet, because the alpha and beta males are in control and mostly untouchable, they are unharmed by these attacks. Instead it’s the gamma males that bear the psychological brunt of this shunning and hatred by women. Alphas and Betas can dismiss the feminine criticisms of their masculinity as jealousy or “sour grapes” and remain psychologically undisturbed. Their “privilege” is unaffected by the resentment. Alas, the gammas don’t have that luxury.

Consequently, unlike in ages past, today’s gammas are ostracized by both the masculine hierarchy and the feminine community. Consequently they live in denied terror completely outside the pack. Having first had their masculinity challenged by unsuccessfully competing among the pack’s males, they are now also shunned by the pack’s females. And not just shunned, but actively attacked by these females. And...for what? For the sins of the alphas and betas nonetheless—that is, just for being male and therefore “privileged”!

In short, society no longer sees these gammas as a hurt, troubled and ostracized minority in need of outreach and rehabilitation. Instead it (and especially women) insist that they are actually members of a privileged class (!!), unworthy or unneeded of any special assistance or outreach due to their “male privilege” or “white privilege” or, God forbid, both. If anything, these guys deserve LESS from society, not more!

Just as Jack’s (Fight Club) complete rejection and vilification of his feminine anima in favor of hyper-masculine coping mechanisms had all sorts of undesirable adverse consequences, so too does society’s present rejection and vilification of the ordinarily masculine. By ostracizing and actively attacking masculinity in most any form, modern feminists have ironically abandoned the feminine approach to problem solving that they say they value (compassion and inclusiveness, for instance) in favor of stereotypically masculine ones. And more disturbingly, because they can’t reach the alphas and betas, they’ve taken their frustrations out on the comparatively innocent gammas. Is the gamma incel’s hatred for women any wonder then?

So, what’s different today than in times past? A paranoid fear of and disdain for most anything masculine. As a consequence, rather than the gamma’s false masculine bravado being compensated for and healed by by a secure, loving and receptive femininity, it’s instead met with more masculinity hostility, this time from women. And battle, not surprisingly, ensues. This dynamic simply reinforces the gamma’s belief that the pack can’t be trusted, and it further cements the lone wolf status with which they increasingly identify.

Unfortunately, until society can once again define non-toxic masculinity in truly masculine terms, the situation is unlikely to improve. As long as women are conditioned to be irrationally terrified of stereotypically masculine qualities and traits— viewing them not as part of nature’s compensating balance to the feminine (that is, yin/yang) but instead as pathological at best or malevolent at worse—these troubled boys will find it increasingly difficult to find a settled place within the pack. Thus starved of serotonin, oxytocin, etc., gammas will become increasingly erratic and potentially hostile.

Lone wolves are dangerous. We can’t fix their wolf-like qualities, but we can fix their loneliness. All that’s needed is sufficient love, connection and outreach, all beautifully and stereotypically feminine traits.

(Final thought: I don’t intent to place the full burden of responsibility for the plight of gammas on modern women. I have focused on women here only because I think they stand the best and easiest chance of making the biggest difference most quickly. This is because a female solution to this problem involves women who are so inclined simply embracing their core femininity and acting accordeingly. By contrast a male solution would involve convincing men to be less masculine, which is both more difficult and part of the very problem).


Some of us think of the feminine as being quiet and rejuvenating, but that's only half the story. Feminine energy is bold as well--she is the the force of transformation.

If things in your life are no longer working for you, it is feminine energy that surges to make a change. This can be dramatic! Destruction comes before creation; we must say goodbye to the old to welcome the new.

While this process of transformation can feel unruly and scary at times, it is necessary. After all, we're changing all the time. Without the powerful movement of feminine energy, both soothing and unnerving, we would remain stagnant. And nobody wants that.

It's easy to lose touch your feminine side but, as you can see, it is a necessary aspect of who you are. If you feel burnt-out, overworked, fragmented, or exhausted, you are in desperate need of feminine energy to restore, inspire, and enliven you. Implement these practices, and the feminine will bring you back to life.

Feminists are all about reclaiming the word “bitch” as our own just like some people in the black community would like to do with another infamous word. But reclaiming a word does not redefine or empower a gender (or a race). The word “bitch” needs to be eliminated along with the behavior...

Hello again, Sean.
Another excellent article as far as the previous article. I've never thought much on top of it. I love you contacted issues. I have to study again and read it again. Now I will do this. Please take care to share with us more often ..
Thank you

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After reading this, my question is:

Are you afraid of toxic femininity?

A good ol' societal collapse will fix "toxic masculinity" in a jiffy.

Well writen and thought provoking. I would definitely identify as a gamma male. Albeit a mostly rehabilitated one.

I agree that we are pack animals however, one revelation I'd like to share is that whether you're a part of the tribe or not, overall, the quality of your social life is mostly dependent on the emotional depth of your connection to individuals.

Essentially, quality over quantity. Once you understand that, patience becomes easier to adopt. You no longer are quick to ask for acceptance or spurn the herd

Men are naturally seen as the ones holding power but when we look at the statistics. we fill up each end of the power spectrum. there are so many more males on the bottom that don't hold power and a few percentage just hold all the power. there are a lot more females spread out in the middle. I read a feminist post on steemit complaining that why most whales on the platform are males and things have to change. but she forgot that far more males are still suffering minnow stage as she even has more steem power than me.

I like your take on masculinity being seen as threat by the opposite gender. Did you hear the news about boys scout now forced to accept girls into their organizations, even male spaces are now considered too manly. I did read the book by a very logical feminist called "The war on boys" in which she talked about the bias against boys even in the educational system. there is that need that boys needs to be taught, corrected and coached on their masculine attributes and the girls are just perfect the way they are, in order words, boys are taught to behave more like girls.

About your lone wolf theory, I would like to propose that not all lone-wolfs feel lonely. some just like to be left alone. what do you thing about that?

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