Partial tongue-in-cheek response to a recent post by @hefziba...
We're often told...
to follow our passion in life. My passion, aside from my kids--and apparently
making them--is sarcasm.
But until Steemit...
I didn't know how I could translate that skill into some sort of revenue production.
Until now, that is..
and this is where you come in. Leave a comment or question below, and I'll respond to it with some sort of witty sarcasm.
But wait...there's more! Leave a
really good question, and I'll upvote
and comment.
Why are you still on steemit?
How did you know it's past my bedtime?
(Lol).Because it’s childrens bedtime
Ouch. That's the kind of burn that the family usually does to me. Are we related?
Do you and your kids have fart contests???
Ew...that's gross. Why would we leave out my wife?
Love is my life
...are you starving then?
Upvoted ☝ Have a great day!
To quote my kids...pretty much all of them, all of the time: don't tell me what to do.
btw...your comment lied. it hadn't been upvoted. if this was Survivor, I'd definitely be voting you off tonight.
How much wood would a woodchuck chuck if a woodchuck could chuck wood?
Upvoted for creativity! :)
Grow some food!
Does mold count?
Seriously, we used to at every place we lived. Current rental doesn't allow...
Nice! I bet you can grow something at least ;)
Kids are growing.