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RE: Why no-one listens anymore :(

in #life7 years ago

I believe the altruistic ideals are showing their true colors now. People are neglecting our true nature, and instead we have glued on this false "help others" narrative. People are virtue signalling like there is no tomorrow. And it is so obvious.

A local example from my town. A very socialist voting town, where everyone preaches about how me must accept immigrants etc (ironically there aren't that many immigrants here, because it's an expensive place) and in a survey 90% identified as socialist (socialist democrats)

But just recently the government decided that they are going to build 2000 low cost appartements in the town centre (which is surrounded by large houses)

Immediately people forget their so called altruistic "values" on how important it is to house the poor, accept more low skilled immigrants and be socialist basically. The town Facebook group is flooded with people who owns these houses (houses worth 500-1mill USD - 4-6 times annual yearly income) and they complain like there is no tomorrow. "What will happen to the prices in that area when we get all these low cost appartments??" etc.

So, now all of a sudden, when their money is threatened, they are confronted with their own true nature - the nature of selfishness. It's very interesting to see. Aaaall the virtue signalling goes down the drain in the blink of an eye.

So I believe people today basically are hypocrites. Virtue signalling hypocrites that have been so brainwashed and indoctrinated into political correctness that they just keep repeating mantras like "help the poor" but they have no concept of what that really means.

They believe they can have the cake and eat it. They don't understand facts. It's amazing to see even adults having the same intellectual capacity as children, even though they work in complicated jobs.

I am personally ALL for helping others on my own premisses. But I am never virtue signalling. If i decide to help someone it is because I want to. Because it feels good for ME to help that person. But I would never disable someone by helping them. I would never give money to someone who has put themselves in a position. So I demand an explanation when donating money. That's my criteria. I've been criticized for that before, but I have to be true to myself. I'd like to help a person who has suffered injustice. But I don't want to help someone who has put themselves in a bad economic situation. They won't learn anything from that help.

And yes, we are living in a disconnected world. There is no connection between words and action anymore. People think they do good by virtue signalling politically correct nonsense in Facebook groups - like "job well done for today! I posted a "I fucking love science meme" and since we, the leftists have claimed science now, because Trump is anti-science(???) I've done good!"

And the rest of the day they don't use their brains at all. They don't read into anything. It's just work, dinner, watch mindnumbing television, and being jealous on people who live different and more interesting lives because they use their capacity.

Interesting topic and good post! Upvoted


This comment was FANTASTIC. Actually, I'd love to see a post on this. There are a lot of leftists around because of their own bad economic circumstances. I've realised that most of it is entirely selfish though. Give them a million pounds and then threaten it with taxes - and watch those ideals fly out the window. I'd love to hear more!

P.S. I'm still left :)

Thanks! Wow just realized what a long rant that was 😀 i have no problems with leftisys or ev communists as long as they oppose me having to have to pay for it under the threat of violence.