Things That Are Almost Always Portrayed Unrealistically In Movies (Part II)

in #life7 years ago


In the first part of this post, I listed some of the things that are almost always portrayed unrealistically in movies and I am glad you guys seemed to enjoy it.

Today, I have some more points to talk about that make me want to keep facepalming myself at the movies and I’m sure many of you share that sentiment as well! :D

Snapping Elevator Cables


In the movies they often show villains planting small explosives on the roof of the elevator car which are made to detonate when the hero is using the elevator and the detonation causes the lone cable holding the elevator car to snap and the elevator then goes into a free fall severely injuring our hero. Hilarious!

In the real world, elevator cars are held by four or more cables made of high tensile steel wires which are wound around one another to form a cord. These cables are extremely strong and are regularly inspected.

For an elevator car to free fall in the real world it would require all the steel cables holding it to snap at the same time which is extremely unlikely to happen even in case of explosives detonation and earthquakes.

Besides, elevators also have emergency brakes that would kick into action in the worst case scenario of all the cables snapping. So, yeah, in case you've always had the fear of a free-falling elevator, thanks to the movies, it's time you kissed it goodbye.

Litigations and Judgments


In the movies people file lawsuits and get almost instantaneous judgments. The lawyers in the movies are such geniuses that they learn about and gather all the evidences and facts in record time.

The judge doesn't even care about doing a detailed study of the evidences provided and pronounces the verdict. Wow, I wish legal matters were this easy and this quick.

In the real world, litigations take years to reach any kind of conclusion, taking a minimum of two years in the smallest of litigations. The lawyers take weeks and sometimes months to study cases, prepare and file lawsuits and no litigation gets a judgment in just one hearing.

Also, judges study the evidences in full detail which takes an awful lot of time and only when they are absolutely sure do they pronounce judgments.

One versus Many Fights


Unlike in the movies where the hero comfortably fights multiple bad guys at once in hand-to-hand combat and the bad guys are often polite enough to come for the hero one by one, fighting multiple people at once is insanely difficult in real life and the bad guys are anything but polite.

In the real world, one person is simply not fast enough to engage one attacker while keeping track of multiple other attackers at the same time.

While some forms of martial arts do focus on fighting multiple opponents at once and the people well-versed in them after years of training could, to some extent, engage and beat multiple adversaries at once, it is almost impossible for a normal untrained person to do such a thing.

Movies make it look like a child's play to deliver beatdowns on multiple bad guys when in reality it's anything but easy and in all likelihood would get you killed.

Gunfire, Gun Fights and Bullet Wounds


So many times in the movies we have seen gunfires happening indoors and the people shooting never ever wear any kind of ear protection whatsoever. It's just crazy to even think of it.

Try doing that in the real world and you will literally go deaf. Gunshots generate very loud sounds, more so indoors, and to a naked ear it will surely lead to ringing with often pain in the ears.

Then there are gunfights. Apparently heroes can shoot anyone dead from any distance and at crazy angles in just one shot but when it comes to shooting and killing the main villains, they can hardly shoot them at even point-blank ranges. Heights of absurdity.

In the movies bullet wounds are portrayed as a blood fountain with blood just flowing out non-stop till the person dies. It doesn't really happen that way in reality. Also it's hilarious how the main villain is always able to say his one last evil one-liner even after been shot straight in the heart. haha!


What about this

LOL That's right!!! haha

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yup...movies are stupid.
the most accurate thing about them is the popcorn you eat while watching.

Well said, sir! Well said!!!!

Great post .Thanks for sharing this post. I appreciate your busy...resteemit.

Thanks for reading :)

You forgot how rajnikant smokes a cigarette..giphy-downsized (1).gif

There is no comparison for Rajni :P

There are also some simple things. For example a pot of coffee never finishes!

haha that's right. Thousands of stuff like that :D

I totally agree with you here! I find it especially apparent in the majority of superhero movies (and TV shows).

Oh yeah, superhero movies are in a realm of their own!

After reading your article i think i should watch it as soon as possible, I loved this story...

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