The Law of Attraction - Does It Really Work?

in #life7 years ago


Let’s say someone tells you that there is a way, you can have whatever you wish for in life no matter how big of a thing it is or however tough it is to get, would you believe that person?

Unless that person is offering you a magic wand, I am sure you wouldn’t believe them right? I mean yes, we can all try to get what we want in life but a shortcut to fulfill all our desires? It sure sounds suspicious, doesn’t it?

If you have watched the documentary called “The Secret”, you already know what I’m talking about. Basically, the secret to having anything you desire is called “The Law of Attraction” and you know what? It works!!

There is no scientific evidence for such a thing and if you know me, I love science and I believe in things that are proved by the scientific method. But, even though ‘the law of attraction’ has no scientific basis, I believe in it whole-heartedly. I don’t know why or how, but it works.

The Magic Wand of the Universe

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I will try to explain how I have come to understand this law personally and how I use it in my daily life for the smallest of things to the biggest. Basically, what this law says is that, like attracts like. This is the first and most important thing to remember before attempting to learn further.

So, as we all know, our brains are constantly generating thoughts. Even if we are sitting idly, we are always thinking about something or the other. These thoughts of ours can be broadly divided into two categories, positive and negative.

Also, these thoughts are often accompanied by feelings. So, if you’re thinking positive thoughts you ‘feel’ good and if you are thinking negative thoughts you ‘feel’ bad.

According to the law of attraction, we attract into our lives, the situations, things and people, based on the thoughts and feelings we have. So, if you’re thinking positively and feeling good, you will attract more of the same. Remember, like attracts like.

I hope you’re all clear up till here. It’s simple really. You attract into your lives what you’re thinking and feeling. So, how do we use this knowledge to attract our desires into our lives? I am glad you asked!

Using The Law of Attraction

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First of all, you have to be absolutely clear about what you want. List those out on a paper if you have to but be 100% sure about exactly what you want. This will make things clear for you as well as the universe to work its magic.

Then, the second step is to visualize all these things that you want in your life. Let’s say, you want a brand new car. What you would have to do is, imagine that you already have this car. Imagine yourself driving it. Make that picture as clear as possible in your head and visualize it as much as possible from the time you wake up till you go to sleep at night.

Again, only thinking about it won’t make it happen, you have to ‘feel’ as though you already have it. This is where most people fail because it is almost impossible to ‘feel’ that you have something when you actually don’t have it! But, trust me, if you do this step correctly, your desire will come true. In your heart, you have to believe 100% that you already have that thing in your life.

The third and the most important step is gratitude. If you are thankful for the things you have in your life, you will get more of the same things. And I don’t mean ‘pretending’ to be thankful. You have to actually ‘feel’ the feeling of being thankful.

So, if you are truly thankful for all the money you have, the universe will bring more money in your life. This can also be used to get things that you don’t have. Let’s use the example of the car again. If you want a car, you have to imagine driving the car of your dreams and also feel grateful that you have it. This will feel VERY strange to do at first and also silly, because you have to be thankful for something you don’t even have yet!

But once you get in the habit of doing so, your life will change forever!

Let’s Revise


So, to sum up. First be sure what you want. Second, visualize it in your head as clearly as possible and third be grateful about it even though you don’t have it yet. It’s an odd combination of steps to do but try it for a month at least and see if your life becomes any different.

Also, I know many people are going to say things like this cannot be tested scientifically and that it hasn’t been tested and has no scientific base whatsoever. I don’t care!!

This has always worked for me and that’s reason enough for me to believe in it. Also, maybe there is something about it that science has just not discovered yet. Just because it hasn’t been proven today doesn’t mean it won’t ever!

As I like to say, try to keep an open mind and at least try it out. If you do it genuinely, it definitely will work. It just does. So, happy hunting guys!!


enlightening enough :D
and can't agree more. It actually works !!!

Oh yes, it works. I have my life like i want, because of a good connection to the harmony, a good flow and so on... A reason to earn/give/earn/give a good vibration from the universe.

Universe & Life is awesome and thank you for spreading this kind of content.

You don't recive what you want, you recive what you are. Don't you think?:)

Yes, and you can become in alignment with what you want.

The Law of Attraction is a mechanism through which people can get what they want out of life.

This Law is much simpler than any other laws you might’ve heard of - if you want to achieve something don’t waste your efforts to aggressively chase for it, instead focus most of your energy on becoming the person towards which that thing will be attracted to.

Yes, it is important to align yourself to whatever you want to receive. That is important.

Hey @sauravrungta, great post! I made a post this morning that talks about 5 things that you can adapt to lead a positive, happy life. Funny enough, this article of yours talks about the things I briefly mention in a few of my points. I talk about how expressing gratitude for the littlest things in life can bring more positives to your life.

I don't mean to advertise my post like this but I'm only doing it because this posts is very very relatable to what I talk about in mine. Please check it out here:

Thanks! Yes, it is important to approach this with positivity and if people can't force themselves to be just positive, gratitude is the best way to feel more positive.

I don't think this is something magical.I believe this is about being ready.It is about choices and consequences.But thinking that this is a law will not change the process.I believe right order is like this : Imagine, Feel, Have.Great Post.Thanks for your wisdom.
Whatever you're ready for is ready for you. - Mark Victor Hansen

That is so true. You have to allow these things to come into your life and for that you have to be ready.

I do not believe that this law exists in medicine, of course we always want someone pleasant and positive thinking, but life is not always what we want. Some things are more complex, than simply wanting to be happy, and thinking positive, if that were so, there would be no sad people.

I understand that but there are stories of people who have used this to get better and achieve what would be considered miracles.

You misunderstand the law, my friend :) Wanting something, does not mean you will get it. In fact, that usually has the opposite effect. When a person wants something from a place of desperation, that is a negative thought/vibration/energy and so will only attract more negativity. This is why so many people are unhappy. This is why praying doesn't work for most people.

It's not about what you want, it's about what you ARE. You have to already be positive, it has to be your dominant way of thinking, for you to attract more of it. This is where most peple fail because it's hard to think positively and FEEL positive, when things are going badly.

@sauravrungta it's a good law to be grateful but I think as much as I want o believe that law it doesn't apply in my love life

If you believe that it doesn't apply, than that's what you'll get.

it does not work because the world is still going from bad to worse, no matter how people try to make the picture fit what they perceive as the law of attraction...

keep in mind: global debt is more than 5 times the global GDP, world citizens are debt slaves

That's because people have formed negative beliefs that just can't be shaken and thus they get more of the same.

You misunderstand the law my friend :) It is always working - for good or for bad. It isn't something you can turn on or off. But you can get it to work more in your favour.

Global debt is something you can't control as an individual. But you can control your own thoughts and your reaction to things like global debt.

Despite the debt, there are still many people living happy, successsful lives with no money worries. They are the ones who understand (whether they know it consciously or not) how to get the law of attraction working for them.

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