My 1001 jobs #1: Group game actor

in #life8 years ago (edited)

I'm a refugee. A refugee coming from 9-5 jobs. Knowing today at exactly which time I will have my lunch on wednesday in three months, because the lunch break is always at exactly the same time? Not anymore! It's time to quit the treadmill. But how?

I did the step of quitting the routine. Stepped out of a classic office job into the unknown of freelancing. In this posts I want to talk about the countless different jobs I do now, to inspire you to maybe do the same. Make every day a new adventure!

Group game actor

One of my jobs is a group game actor. I work as a freelancer for a company who organizes group games for adults. Quests, criminal cases, fairytales and much more. The games are interactive for the players, they have to interact with the characters of the games, characters like me. It's so much fun! This job requires a lot of improvisation, as the players ask questions. So it's necessary to really jump into the role. From a caretaker to Nikola Tesla- I allready did tons of roles. Also @yoganarchista works for them, so we sometimes work together. Here are some pictures of some games.

@yoganarchista and me as comic characters

This is me as a caretaker, a wulf and a modern Nikola Tesla

@yoganarchista and me at a horror edition of the game


LOL I wouldn't have recognized you! Good for you to be brave an quit your job! There are so many other ways to make money while having fun than the 9-5 rat race (unless you truly love your job, which also happens and which is great :))

Yes share all your "odd jobs" here so others can follow your example. 👍🏻

Hehe, a costume can change a lot, right? :D

I will definitly do more posts, there is way more to share :p

that looks like loads of fun
do they have this in most countries,
i might do that once in a while just for the heck of it

Check out your local areas for group games. maybe you'll find something :)

For sure we have here a talented boy. Congrats...

Thank you :)

Sehr cool. Resteemed :-)

Danke dir :) Heute Abend machen wir wieder so einen Job :D

Da wünsche ich dir viel Spass und Erfolg. Ich hab dir noch einen kleinen Supportwal geschickt.

Sehr nett, danke dir! :)

You do not want to face the wrath of my bunghole!!

Ganz schön mutig aus dem System auszubrechen, aber auch notwendig um die wahren Potentiale kennenzulernen, weiterhin viel Erfolg!

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