Abundance of Hope - How You Can Have a Secure Future With This Commandment
Hope is a state of mind which is totally based upon an anticipation of desirable results with regard to future events and situations in one's life or in the world in general. The hope generated by such hope based strategies help us face obstacles with the assurance that we can overcome them and arrive at our destination with flying colors. This article will help you understand how such strategies work.
The first step towards Hope is to identify the kind of hope you are referring to. Hope may be affirmative, whether it is toward your desire or against your adversity. For instance, to grow as a person, you must have a desire for personal development. In addition to this, you will also have a desire to accomplish your personal development objectives. Your expectations regarding the achievement of these objectives will help you to generate a force that will drive you towards success.
Hope is a state of mind which is supported by rational certainty. Your desires and your expectations are supported by a series of logical certifications which are mutually inseparable. If your desire is illogical, then your expectations are likewise illogical. You cannot expect to succeed because you are negative and pessimistic. You cannot hope to become a better person if you have a strong negative attitude. Logical certainty is therefore necessary for you to be a strong and successful person.
Hope generated by certifications is called confidence. A feeling of great strength and hope is a major ingredient of confidence. It is a well-known fact that a healthy desire for success is the most important ingredient for success. Hope is thus a very important element of confidence. Here are some tips for generating a good tailwind of hope:
o Obtain a full assurance of your ability to achieve your goals. Hope is best expressed through a full assurance of your ability. If you do not believe that you can do something, then you will not be able to do it. Obtaining a full assurance of your ability to do something will make you confident that you can do it.
o Keeps your hope realistic. Hope is a very powerful emotion, but it is important that you keep the hope realistic. If you want to have a strong and secure faith, then you should not expect miracles. People often pray to God for specific events to happen, but they never happen because people pray in vain. Instead, keep your hopes realistic.
o The Bible teaches us to expect and trust God to bring to pass the fulfillment of our desires. We must learn to keep our hopes realistic. We cannot expect for the impossible, so instead, keep our hopes in proportion to the abilities that we have. We should also learn to hope for the correction of the course that the Lord has set for us, and then use that expectation to build on faith.
When it comes to the issue of hope and the assurance of God's ability to bring you to eternal life, we read the words of James: "If any man will not Forsake what God has commanded, he will be scattered, and his end will come at a sudden manner." James teaches that if someone will not Forsake what God has said he will be destroyed. In Romans 9:20 we read the words of God against the unrepentant: "For God has sealed your lips that no man may speak evil against you; He has given you His spirit to abide by." That is the best assurance that we can have that God is not angry with us and that He is willing and able to bring us to eternal life.