Walk, Listen and Learn...Homelessness to Happiness

in #life7 years ago (edited)



There a typos, if this offends you I am sorry- But they need to stay...you will see why.

The above is me, walking to clear my head and listen to my favorite writer, Stephen King in 'on writing' a very personalised approach to his writing style.

We all have a choice in how to achieve personal growth. In other words how we learn... 

Whether it is through soft cell personal development, professional or spiritual growth, there are lots of ways to learn.

Everyone has different learning styles and from being to someone who failed especially at school, to reinventing her learning needs later in life, I have some experience to share.

I actually managed to finish a year in college, and now am on my 2nd degree course, I wasnt expected to achieve anything in life.

I was a drop at 15, had a problem with recreational drugs and was homeless. I didn't finish school as a result.


I had two main motivations. My babies. After struggling with an abusive drug addict relationship, I found the strength to motivate myself to ensure my children didnt see me as that 'drop out' my motivations lead me to start the course and I finished it through the skin of my teeth. I didnt enjoy learning, and found it hard. I know why.

Dyslexia. I found out in my college year in 1998, almost 20 years ago !

I remember doing a learning style test with all my class mates and we all had a result of three things.

Visual learner

Kinetic learner

Audio learner

It wouldn't surprise you to know that out of my class me and friend were kinetic learners and we are both dyslexic.


I didn't want to go to university, I still had slight symptoms of agorophobia which I had battled with for the last few previous, and the though of travelling to another city everyday scared me 

My college friends (both now in our inner circle of best friends-that is a thing, and we have eight in our clan !) resorted me to tears in the toilets one day as they insisted I was good enough to go you University. Being very passive in nature, there pushiness worked and I dumped my new boyfriend who wanted me to set up house and be a housewife, and I  applied to do a Community Studies and Youth Work degree. 

I didnt think I would stand a chance as I failed school and didn't sit my exams, but I was offered an interview, then a place. My tutor at the time said that I probably wouldn't have been offered one if it wasnt for my life experience.

Turns out that being homeless, having a drug addiction at 15, being in a violent relationship and suffering at the hands of other abusers, losing my dad and being a teenage single parent qualified me to be an asset to the course.

I was for once, thankful that my life had been a bit shit growing up.

The course was hard, back then we didnt have the use od audio, but the course itself was easier for me as It was mostly oral presentations. I laugh as I recall the immature puns we would make about that statement. 


I had to spread 1 year over two as my panic stepped in and my elevation phobia came in to force (fear of looking up) creeped back in, and I cry now out of humbleness as I remember how thoughtful my classmates and tutor as they everything from the second floor so I could do my presentation outside in the open air.

I finished and scraped through with a HND 2 years of the degree as I only needed that for my qualification to work in youth services and community development.

I spent 15 years in this environment.


I was made redundant in 2013, then developed a passion for enterprise and writing. Previously I won an enterprise award in 2009, this put a spring in my step, and It made me want to work for myself. I played around for a while until i found my passion in writing. 

Who would have thought the dyslexic drop out would be a writer? Not me.

Then it struck me that, if I can write, and with the use of audio, new fonts, soecialist software editing systems and confidence, I ciuld actually study a degree again with full attention.

This is where I am now, studying an arts and humanities degree and sharing my knowledge through blogging. All this to advance my existing writing experience- 5 self-published books(one 75,000 word novel)

Fir a very passive person, with lingering confidence issues, i struggle with the element of promoting myself, but I should, and I need to say to others like me, or who have suffered far worse...

Use your experience to your advantage, no matter how hard it has been it will be usefull to someone, somewhere.

Now I'm happy in my learning.

Sarah x

P.S I will not edit this post, because my typos and grammar is part of me, and today I will let these skills shine...

Edited: Sorry that is a contradiction! Only to include an inspirational person as part of my #dolphinschool training and to headline appropriately. Typo's still in check.

Check clayboyn out as motivation for achievement, this steemian has been very open about their life battles and development. Deserves support, a read and recognition of personal success.


How interesting you consider the typos and grammars as a skill set :p

Glad you succeeded in life. It certainly is difficult not knowing if one has what it takes is not the reason to give up. Just because it looks impossible or odds are against us life will be meaningless if we do not try.

Maybe someday I can have the patience to read your 75,000 word novel :p Thanks.

I see them as a skill, because without them I wouldnt have tried so hard, and If I hadn't of tried so hard, I wouldnt have so much. Ordinarily I would have put my post though grammarly, but it defeats the object of todays post :-)

As a fellow "passive person," I can really appreciate the struggle it takes to self-promote and follow through. Clearly you've got a great deal of strength and persistence, and you're continuing to set a great example for your children.

I really appreciate that and thankyou! Nice to meet another fellow passive :-)

Well done, and congrats from another "passive person"! xox

Ahhh thanks :-)

Congratulations on your achievements & conquering your battles! It shows you are very strong and you can do anything! Thanks for sharing this inspiration and great post.
Steem On :)

Thankyou @jcsteem that comment means alot

Without using the bucket technique Mark taught us, you still made me read every word, until the end. I wish I could meet you so that I could hug you. What a journey!

I take my life so for granted... I've never had problems learning and even though we were relatively poor (my mom was a single mother too) I've never had to face the kind of problems you describe here.

It's wonderful to know you... Can't wait to read more of your stories. <3

Ahhh thankyou. Will accept a virtual hug @mandelsage Thank you so much for your kind words

I was for once, thankful that my life had been a bit shit growing up.

I like your perspective here. I can understand a life of turmoil, but having the courage to move beyond that and not allow all the past issues to drag you down constantly is awesome.

I am just like you in many ways. I hate putting myself out there. I recently recorded my fist 'audio book' - a recording of one of my short stories. As a test and to see how much of a freakout I would go through. And you know what? - I survived. Although it's out of my comfort zone.

You're still way out in front of me in terms of achievement though. The self publishing things is an incredible achievement. I love that you have pushed through to that milestone.

I was going to quote the same thing, as I feel due to the shit childhood I tend to appreciate things and have more of a go get them attitude as if I don't who will. I find @sarahwaring very interesting and super determined! I like her!

Childhood issues can crush us. Their power is very real. But if we overcome them, at least in part, I believe that a strength beyond what we otherwise would have had becomes our gift. A hard earned and fought for gift. That is on display here in this post, which is great.

A strength beyond what we otherwise would have had becomes our gift.

I like that a lot, so very true.

Thank you so much! I like you too! :-)

Thank you @naquoya for your wise words...and I'm so in awe of your audio book...that will be a next challenge for me! I maybe tapping your knowledge on that

Well done on still being a creative person, it is hard when life throws nothing but crap at you to still be a decent and positive person, but I think that is the nature of someone who is creative, they do not give up and they do not allow themselves to become the destruction that made them that way.
Instead they be the exact opposite, and in that way they win.

I think you are right, wise words my friend.

Thanks, have been through the mill myself, so I know what you mean :-)
Stay creative, that way you will always win :-)

Hi Sarah. I like your straight from the heart writing style. It’s nice to meet others in the #dolphinschool boot camp. i think we will learn lots. Upvoted and resteemed.

Thank you for your kind words and for the upvote/resteem!

Well done! And Thanks for putting yourself out there like that! Grammar matters only so much. Stephen King bends it in every other sentence, by the way. I'd recommend fixing one typo, you left "out" off of "drop out"

My biggest critique would be, more pictures! the one at the top is great and using another image or two, if you have any of you in your younger years, would make the story more powerful. Also, the bucket brigade, you did offer it up at the first, but, your reveal came too early. I think your piece might have more power, if you saved it, until you tell us what you managed to accomplish. Just my opinion, (but you signed up for that, right?) LOL Good job, great attitude! Love it!

Thank you Mark...I don't think I can blame my dyslexia for the ability to completely drift of topic haha. I am a maverick for sure! I think you are right with the pictures, will definitely keep that in mind for next time.

Good effort though! and HOLY COW over a hundred views and more than 20 comments.

Yes, really pleased about that :-)

Congrats on the awesome post - it's not easy to continue to better ourselves when it doesn't seem possible :)

Thank you so much !<3

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