Immortality: eternal glory or curse?
Some centuries ago spanish explorer and researcher Ponce de Leon commited himself in finding the fountain of youth. Sadly he failed or kept his secret to himself. In this century some scientists and researchers are still trying to achieve that. But their means are more realistic. They are focusing at genetic engineering. And are trying to create medicine, that would postpone aging as much as possible.
According to professor David Sinclair those kind of drugs will be created in 10 years. Cambridge university professor Aubrey de Grey thinks that human lifespan could be increased up to thousand years. Even Google in 2013 started campain "Calico" which main goal is to create medicine that would increase human life time.
But there are some people who question whole eternal life advandages.
Personal dissatisfaction
According to biologist John Harrison opinion scientists are trying to answer eternal life question also because we are affected by natural need to help others and save lifes.
Former USA presidents bioethics counselor Leon Kass thinks, that eternal life should be understood differently. If we increase our lifespan, do we also increase its quality? Are we going to learn to be happy? Would life be as much valuable as it is now if there would no be a limit to it?
According to J. Kass a lot of decisions and tasks are being done because we know that lifetime is limited.
In words of philosofer Larry Temkin, it would be nearly impossible to surprise someone. Everything that we would do in our life would be boring and pointless. Especially if we cloud repeat it for thousands of years.
Lack of individuality
L. Tempkin also states, that capability to remember things is limited. Because of that we would forget a lot of things during long lifespan. So if our brain states the same we would always remember only a fracton of our lifespan. Even if we could record our whole lifespan, in time those memories would become distant to us. Even our own children could become distant and forgoten.
Bernard William agrees to L. Tempkin. He thinks that eternal life would destroy human personality. Personality is being developed by hobbies, memories, experiences. During long lifespan this all would lost it meaning.
Social dissatisfaction
If eternal life drugs would be created, they would probably be only available to the richiest of the people. Imagine even dictators would live longer than thousand years gaining more power and treasures. Also people would fastly overcrowd Earth by their population.
What's your opinion on this one?
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FOK! I really need to start saving money and making big money!! Whuutt.. need these pills. Just to make sure I have enough time to do everything I am dreaming of.. (believe me, I am a biiiig dreamer!) Great post btw!
Thank you! :) Dream big, achieve big pinkie lady :)