Announcing the natural birth of Luna - yesterday in Bali!

in #life8 years ago (edited)

I am feeling very proud in this moment (and a little teary eyed!) because yesterday evening in a Balinese birth clinic (Bumi Sehat, Ubud) our daughter Luna was born 100% naturally and very quickly, just as it should be.

One hour of magic

Sabrina felt the first contraction while we were at home all having a siesta, late afternoon. Her water hadn't broken but the intervals were under 5 mins already, so I knew what to do. Ten minutes later we were at the clinic. Five minutes later Sabrina was on the birthing bed. Fifteen minutes later, Luna was born. In two big pushes. And she is perfect :)

I didn't even have time to position my crystals around the room as intended.

For those of you who read my article on hair, you will understand why I am currently stroking my lengthy locks with a most contented smile. I was connected throughout the event and even knew instinctively that I should not leave my 20 month old son Esteban with friends (as we had planned) but instead to take him with us to the clinic. Sabrina questioned this sudden change in plan, but I stuck with my gut and insisted that he come with us. We are a FAMILY and we go through things like this together. And more than that, Esteban has non physical skills, some of which I have witnessed, some of which I am yet to learn about. So, I wanted him by my side. And that is where he stayed throughout.

Esteban watched the entire birth process, perched in right arm. My left arm was for Sabrina. And she gripped my hand tighter than she has ever gripped it before during those last two contractions. I am very proud of her right now for accessing that awesome warrior spirit I have seen within her.

I know I said I wouldn't open my computer for 2 weeks now but clearly I just couldn't help myself! Sabrina and Luna are sleeping, and I am at home with Esteban 'resting' ;)

An exhausted Sabrina, looking after the needs of both babies.

This next picture may not be to everyone's taste but this is the reality of it my friends. There is a placenta which comes out at the moment of birth. Here in Indonesia they give it to you at the end in a black plastic bag (currently in our fridge!) in order that we can bury it in a place that is special to us. And tomorrow that is exactly what we are going to do. And above it we will plant a tree, so that Luna may always feel these roots of hers growing here in Bali.

Luna Stonehill, welcome to the world.

Cutting the umbilical chord.

She weighed 3.5 kilos. Esteban was 2.7 kilos.

Esteban watching the whole process.

Two babies. Both exhausted!

Here you can see Esteban tucking his sister in for bed. He kissed her and was as gentle as can be. He can be in no doubt about where she came from!

Mummy planting a bedtime kiss on her cheek.

Daddy gives some Reiki before sleep.

Sleep time!

The next day

In the morning Esteban and I went exploring the local area to find fruit for breakfast.

Here you can see him climbing a little temple while I waited for our food.

Upon our return, Luna blessed us with her first poo, which if you look carefully is dark green colour. This is exactly as it should be. This first important poo is known as meconium. Emptying the intestines, ready for a life of healthy vegan food!

She was very awake and aware of her surroundings this morning.

First bath, kindly performed by one of the many lovely staff.

Sabrina was on top form this morning. You certainly wouldn't know she gave birth yesterday!

This was the room in which we slept last night. Esteban & I shared the bed on the floor :)

And one last shot of our new family member.

When it was time to go home, Esteban put his bag of toys on his back and his favourite Balinese hat on his head. I mean, for a 20 month old kid, he is pretty smart! Rather than translating words, he translates energy. And I am very much looking forward to telling you more about his special skills.

Within moments of strapping him into the car seat he was asleep and is still asleep now...

Thank you Esteban for giving me the time to do this post!

I will be heading back to check in on Sabrina & Luna in a moment.

And tonight we drink this, compliments of Sabrina's dad!

Love & Light to you all.

And don't tell Sabrina I did this post! :)


Oh blessings for this wonderful time for you all.

Thank you Stephen. We really appreciate your blessings. It is so wonderful how much I feel as if I am part of a kind, loving community here on Steemit. After just 5 months! Really awesome. So, thanks again and all the best to you :)

Wowo! You guys all look so wonderful on such a great day for you! May your new Luna have a long and healthy life, and be a blessing to the world! :)

Thank you so much for your kind words. One day she will read this post and smile :)

Congratulations. A beautiful Steemit Baby. Stephen

You know it! She will be a Steemit baby through and through! Many thanks. Sam

Congratulations! Beautiful photography.

Thank you so much :) I put a lot of love into my photography and this was an occasion not to be missed. Did you catch my documentation of Esteban's creation?

Amazing ! she's so cute !
Enjoy these beautiful moments because they are so rare !
Stay strong and healthy !

Thank you my friend. It is certainly a special time for us. Though not getting much sleep currently :)

And yes, am doing my best to stay strong and healthy! We are lucky to have a climbing wall next to our home with a TRX. My son Esteban laughs and laughs when I am doing crunches with my feet in the straps :)

Amazing ! she's so cute !

I know I am the dad and I am supposed to agree wholeheartedly with that sentiment, but I actually think she looks a bit like wrinkly red prune here! However, it's amazing how fast their faces change in the first week as they make the adjustment from a liquid life to an air life! And now she really does look cute :) More pics coming soon!

Wonderful!! congrats!!

Thank you my friend. It is my pleasure to share this wonderful journey with you. Especially as such an active member of my group, for which I am most grateful :)

She looks beautiful! Congratulations from us :)

Thank you kindly for your words. It's amazing how fast their faces change in the first week. From a world of liquid to a world of air! And she is sooooo much more beautiful after just a few days :) Looking forward to sharing some more pics soon.... Best wishes to you :)

Congratulation.......! Nice, wonderfull.

Thank you my friend. And thanks also for being such a perfect member of my group! Don't forget you are on my bot upvote list. So keep on posting every day, in two languages :) I want to see your rep grow to 60 before the end of this month!

How beautiful :-) Congratulations :-)

Thank you my friend ;)

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