What do we really have to do?

in #life7 years ago (edited)

How do we define life?

Everyone can have their own definition, but the truth about it doesn't change for anyone.I do accept this fact.I believe and I know that life isn't just about making money for paying your bills, it's something far greater and way too valuable to bow down to money. Your time is far way to precious, don't trade it with something which is far less grateful.
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Life, as it is, is a journey, it is an experience for something we call a soul on this planet! This journey might seem like it's forever but it's not, it's just a temporary one. We have taken this form for a reason, We are here to learn, we are here to explore we are here to understand and we most importantly we are here evolve. To evolve into something far more greater. Like it or not you are the most powerful being, you may not know it now but your soul definitely remembers that.


To the one who doesn't seem to know the importance of life it's all about Achievement and fulfillment. Since a very young age, we have been told that happiness comes from success and success comes from achievement. We never questioned that, we just agreed and stopped looking into it, we followed this path blindly. We followed as it seemed right we followed it as everyone around it did the same. We agreed to walk on this path like a heard of sheeps.


I am not saying I knew all of this since the start, what I am saying is, "WAKE UP" it's not all about the money. Focus on the main goal.
There used to be those days I used to skip my lunch so I could make some extra money, I didn't realize that I could enjoy everything else only if I am healthy enough. What's the whole point if I have loads of money and I am not even healthy enough to enjoy it. This was stuck in my head for a while and this, in fact, was one of the many reasons why I started to do yoga each day without giving any excuses.


So What are the basic habits to lead a happy life?

It's very simple,
To be happy one must induce positive thinking, one should let go of anger and mostly let go of greed. You should realize that there is enough of everything for all of us on this planet.

Getting rid of greed might be a little more complicated than the other two as it has clouded our thoughts and poisoned our minds. Another thing about greed is that it is a slow poison which kills you very slowly, inch by inch, move by move, it's almost impossible to realize if it is not pointed out.
To be really honest meditation showed me that there were two opposite forces in me, One with the dark induced within and the other made of pure bright light, filled with peace, love & happiness. Yoga being my savior destroyed the darkness in me, helped me bring forward the bright light!


It's not too late to see the truth. It's not too late to save yourself. Break free from those shackles and the light you seek at the end of this tunnel is just a few steps ahead.

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