Eighteen Years Ago
I found this photo on the verge of my 43rd birthday. This was me 18 years ago in Roswell New Mexico in early September, right after 9-11 and a few months after college graduation. The tech was pretty high end at the time for photography with aliens, but I never saw a real one. And I never saw the crash site either, but did get to meet Glenn Dennis at his UFO museum. From what I recall, he was a very sweet and kind gentleman with time to speak with everyone
Here I am 18 years later, wondering where that kid went, and trying to figure out my current life. Things apparently never change...and still no personal evidence collected in respect to extraterrestrial life. And wondering where that kid who was able to just go on a 3 month road on a whim has gone to, and whether he will ever return.
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He's in there somewhere, the kid in us never leaves but finding him again when we're older is tough. I'm trying to find that 'somewhat' more youthful and healthy kid in me now that I'm retired. Haven't found him yet but I'm going to keep on looking as long as life lets me.