Leaders Asset Prices: The bull market in everything(1)

in #life7 years ago


Leaders Asset Prices: The bull market in everything
领导者 资产价格:全面牛市
Prices are high across a range of assets. Is it time to worry? In his classic, "The Intelligent Investor", first published in 1949,
Benjamin Graham, a Wall Street sage, distilled what he called his secret of sound investment into three words: "margin of safety". The price paid for a stock or a bond should allow for human error, bad luck or, indeed, many things going wrong at once.
华尔街圣人本杰明·格林汉姆把他称之为是他的坚实投资之秘密的东西浓缩成了四个字:安全边际(margin of safety 在英语中是三个字,转换为汉语是四个字)。付给股票或者债券的价格应当考虑到人为的错误、糟糕的运气,说白了就是祸不单行。
In a troubled world of trade tiffs and nuclear braggadocio, such advice should be especially worth heeding. Yet rarely have so many asset classes-from stocks to bonds to property to bitcoins-exhibited such a sense of invulnerability.
Dear assets are hardly the product of euphoria. No one would mistake the bloodless run-up in global stockmarkets, credit and property over the past eight years for a reprise of the "roaring 20s",
or even an echo of the dotcom mania of the late 1990s. Yet only at the peak of those two bubbles has America's S&P 500 been higher as a multiple of earnings measured over a ten-year cycle.
Rarely have creditors demanded so little insurance against default, even on the riskiest "junk" bonds. And rarely have property prices around the world towered so high.
American house prices have bounced back since the financial crisis and are above their long-term average relative to rents. Those in Britain are well above it.
And in Canada and Australia, they are in the stratosphere. Add to this the craze for exotica, such as cryptocurrencies, and the world is in the throes of a bull market in everything.

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TRX 0.15
JST 0.029
BTC 63540.43
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USDT 1.00
SBD 2.66