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RE: How Yoga Changed My Life. Story Of Grumpy Gym Rat.

in #life7 years ago

I imagine how you feel after yoga might be similar to how I feel after tai chi :)

Funny you mention this:

most are filled with people who just want to look good and get into poses they're not ready for, cause the person on the next mat can do it

@bombaybellyrina was just discussing something similar with showoff bellydancing students in a recent post XD

Love the partner yoga poses, reminds me of when I used to do circus, except much calmer XD

It's pretty awesome that you have "round the world" yoga pics :)


Right on bro. Yes Tai Chi is very wise ancient "art" too, totally along the same yogic path. In the end, it's not about the postures at all. It's the about the level of peace that you can achieve if the poses teach you how to transcend your mind. Circus wow! Must have been hard training!

Possibly but i find that kind of thing fun 😉

My sifu makes sure to tell us similar things to what you said as soon as any of the students start wanting to know about what is the "best" or which one is the "original" etc.

Where do you train Tai Chi? I was focusing on Wing Chun for quite some time, and now I am totally hooked on BJJ. Yogi by nature, however ^^

My sifu rents a school hall, we're a very small group XD

I took some mixed martial arts classes in the past. My teacher had traveled a lot and learned his mixed art from several disciplines (karate, kung fu, silat, boxing, etc..). One day I asked him, which is the best martial art in his opinion, he replied: the only masters I wouldn't want to mess around with are Tai Chi masters. These guys can beat you up with their little finger.

People do tend to bring some of their competitiveness to yoga.. it works in martial arts, but it does not compute with the yogic philosophy at all.