How will life be in the future?
Life in the future will be terrible. Pollution, diseases, death, suffering, drought, hunger will haunt the human race.
With the rise of new industries, automobiles etc, air pollution will rise to the peak. In the future, we won't be able to breathe without face masks. Diseases like influenza and lung cancer will be very common.
What about land pollution? Water pollution? It will rise to the peak also. Tons of solid waste is thrown into the water bodies in this present-day, causing the fishes in the water to die which will eventually lead to food shortage. It would be worse than now in the future.
Overpopulation: the population sizes in some countries is increasing rapidly. Overpopulation comes with many disadvantages like hunger, disease, increase in crime rate, poverty, and so on. All the lands will be consumed no land will be left for human inhabitation in the future.
Let us not forget ozone layer depletion. Ozone layer depletion leads to global warming; because when the ozone layer depletes the earth will be exposed to dangerous gases and rays like Ultraviolet rays which will eventually cause serious global warming leading to the melting down of the polar regions i.e the north and the south pole. What will happen when the polar regions meltdown? This will happen flooding, loss of the natural habitat of some animals. extinction of some animals like polar bears, penguins etc. Destruction of lives and properties and so many more
How can we make the future better? I know some of you might think this is not possible, but it is the other way round; it is possible. How? I will tell you how:
By avoiding dumping refuse into water bodies so that the fishes inside the water would not die and lead to food shortages and water population. Always dispose of your refuse properly not dumping your refuse anyhow. The number of industries should be reduced to lessen air pollution and the usage of electric cars will also help in reducing air pollution.
Government should enact population control laws like one child per family.
Products that emits chlorofluorocarbon should be reduced or abolished totally and the usage of electric cars, not cars working on fossil will also help not to cause ozone depletion. And also we should avoid anything that causes air pollution cause air pollution greatly contributes to ozone depletion and global warming.
- Afforestation is also a great step towards saving this planet. Anytime we cut down a tree we should plant a new one. Trees and plants are very important on this planet without them survival will be hard.
Can we do this? Yes, we can! If all can cooperate this world will be likely better future. Let us not ruin this planet for our children instead let us make it a better place for them. This is not a one man's job it involves everyone. Let us make this world a better place!h