Tips to look after your husband! Did times has changed?

in #life7 years ago (edited)


This is a guide for women how to take a good care of her husband, to keep him, to take care of him ...

Okay, it's a little old-school and many modern women when they read this will laugh and say: "Yeah, right! Thank God it's not 1950s!" But let's look at it from a different angle rather than a modern one "we are independent women and we have all rights and we will not be a depressed housewives" corner.

My grandfather died 2 years ago, and so far he was in (relatively) happy marriage with my grandmother.  Of course, no marriage was perfect and certainly there was a days when both of them wanted to pack and leave that community. But they did not. Why?

We will not attribute it to my grandmother because she was a patient woman and she awaited him with a cooked lunch and dinner, ironing his shirt and suit every morning, raising their sons while he spent 80% of his life on the field working all over the world. We will not even attribute it to my grandfather who supported the whole family until my grandmother didn't had a one working day, when he was tolerant when she was depressed because she spent her whole life in the home caring for the family.


It's marriage, it's a community, and it takes two. For a successful marriage, two are needed, and two are needed to be divorced.

And my parents have been in (relatively) happy marriage for 37 years. Although in some situations I think how I would not suffer that if I was in her/his place, they just crossed over some things. Of course, my parents marriage was and is still much more modern than my grandparent's marriage, but the basics are there.

I do not know anyone in my environment whose grandparents are separated. Is that because the community was then much more conservative and did not tolerate it, than it was "suffer and be quiet" or because they didn't know for better then. Already with my peers there were a lot of parents who split up, not to mention the situation today.  I know that the phrase is already worn out but there is really no tolerance anymore. And it has nothing to do with taking care your husband/wife or cooking and ironing, and etc (even though we could talk about it too).

A lot of women are gaining their career and do not want to enter into serious relationships, and when they enter the late 30's they marry for the first one who come. And of course, in those years you are much less flexible and tolerant than in the age of 20 and such marriage or relationship usually don't last long.

My mother had a successful career all her life, but she also raised three children and her husband (haha) and had a successful marriage.

There are those who come into marriage to save the relationship, decide to have a child and then after 5 years realize that they are not compatible. And you would not believe how many of these couples I know in the last couple of years. And how many do I know who are in such marriages and close their eyes before an obvious outcome.


And honestly, I do not care for those couples, I do not care about her or his feelings, but you are ruining a child's life because you are irresponsible people. No divorced parent's child is a properly constructed person, full of confidence.

Of course it is not the solution to be in a poor marriage and to suffer all kinds of things from another person, and under "all kinds of things" I mean insults, maltreatment and so on, and not things like: he didn't put down a toilet seat, gathered socks from the floor, she is jealous and etc..

Today people are suffering in itself, they do not communicate, do not argue, they rarely fall into good quality discussion and then one day they just separate from each other. There is nothing wrong with good discussion because after every rain the sun came up. You have to work, sit and discuss, try to change yourself and not just another person. 

Give all your effort to your marriage and relationship because that is what remains on the end of the day. There is no career, no money of the world or a car that can replace it, you remain with the person you love and with which you will grow old.

And finally, if these tips from the 1950's would apply there would be much better quality marriages, a lot more marriages would survive, and a lot of kids would be happier.


beep beep

Absolutely right---there's nothing wrong with a woman taking care of her husband, family, and home. It's sad that nowadays, this is actually a luxury few can even afford as 2 incomes are often necessary just to make ends meet. As a result marriages, children, communities, and society as a whole suffers. If I had advice for newlywed couples, I would say try and live as simply and frugally as possible so you can live on one income because time spent with each other, with your children, and with family/friends in general, is the most precious thing and will give you far more fulfillment than a McMansion or expensive gadgets.
That being said, with spare time, the wife can perhaps start a part-time home-based business to bring in extra cash for investing, rainy day fund, etc.

I absolutely agree with you! Values have been changed today and accordingly to that so are the relationships between people.
Thank you for upvote and following!

I completely agree with you! Especially on the frugal living for married couples. Rather saving and investing than to own the latest expensive gadgets which get replaced by other newer, more expensive ones in no time. :)

Btw, if steem takes off and survives whatever is thrown at it, it'll be a viable home-based income stream for many rainy days for us :)

Yes, let's hope Steem survives and thrives and becomes that viable income stream we're all hoping for. :)

You said it! I second that one :)

It's very deep story. Thank you for this text

I feel like I'm doing all the work sometimes :(

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