
Young men (~ < 30) also don't understand the value of a woman (or the potential value)

They spend more time complaining about women not behaving how they want than becoming a man who is attractive.

So the men who really know how to treat a woman, and make her feel like a woman, really stand-out now! Usually those men are in their mid-30s. They are such a gem I would always give them my best. But for a lot of men, before that happens, entitlement gets the better of them and shows in the way they treat women or put effort in.

And it's so sad...because they may never find out just how much love a woman has to give and the heights that can take a man to (even just as lovers, not 'life-partners'!) Well, I know I won't settle for subpar romance and would rather die single. Can't really speak for anyone else.

'Netflix and Chill' is an anti-romantic epidemic. Do something with more polarity and build up if you are going to try to get with a girl because then you won't get stuck with boring sex.


This comment takes the trophy for them all. 🏆

Polarity... That's exactly it :)

Hahaha brilliant. Good ol David Deangelo :)

What I enjoy about your writing is that I can always relate to it at first.

'Its like this guy thinks the same way I do!'

Then you always dig deeper and offer an interesting perspective I hadn't considered. So thanks for these kinds of posts. Fantastic delivery.

Eben is da man. No way to express what an impact he had on my evolution becoming an attractive man. Pure gold.

Your welcome. And thanks for the feedback. 😊🙏

Interested in seeing how the females respond to this. As always you have crafted a well put together raw bullshit free post. Whether others agree with what you written is one thing, but nobody can deny your writing skills.

making otherwise perfect situations really awkward without the confidence

That's me to a tee! While I persoanlly do not have baller status or any rainmaking at the clubs in my near future (out of my personal choices) I do like that you brought this up and am looking forward to the discussions it will bring.

Also interested in what your wife has to say (If she reads this) and whether your stance will change if you have or adopt a girl.

Your posts tend to be thought provoking, humorous, and educational. The triple threat :)

Marriage will change your life for sure. I hope it's wonderful for you both.

Right @donkeypong, and if any man could not properly handle marriage or is trying to avoid getting into is not a real man. Marriage is a huge responsibility and those who are trying to avoid such responsibility will just enjoy life without it because they're just afraid.

In honesty, not that big of a change so far - as the foundation of the relationship has always gone beyond titles. Though in a way, there is a difference - feels more solid. Both feet in, not just halfway. Wouldn't have done it if she wasn't worth it. So of course, the outcome can only be wonderful. (And the bits of hell, really no different than the bits of hell together before the marriage. Lol.) :-)

I really like the article.
I am in my mid 20s with no sexual experience because of my inner Wuss.
I even wrote an article on this and my exploration of why the fuck can't I man up and just give women what they want.

So for me you are speaking to a converted as I want to have meaningful sex with few women. It doesn't have to be a lot. I don't even know if I could handle it. But it has to be 1+ (one that wouldn't limit me if there is some other awesome woman that I feel great attraction and/or connection with)

Thanks for sharing

Good advice rock, I used to do this when I was single except with whips and chains and all things that would make people say nay lol - then I married a woman that loves it all ! its the only way to find the right one :)

Well that puts a whole new twist on the "Mr. Grey" alias...
(Connection - "50 shades of grey").
Lol. :-)

lol thats me bud (the real one) a full 50 shades - a life style I chose many years ago, I posted about it a while back but you can read about it here.

Couldn't comment cuz said discussion frozen, so will say here:

Gotta confess a slight jealousy. Quite an amazing gift, such a mentor - and all the experience to follow... :-)

I agree its a great gift to be blessed with, I was very lucky to have a decent mentor though, compared to what I have seen in this lifestyle he stands out as one in thousands especially when it comes to how you treat the woman in your life. :)

Thought you would enjoy the following as it was inspired by your post

I prefer a classic :)

commitment is sexy @rok-sivante
Let your phantasy play .....

Watch me whip - make them say nay nay. Watch me watch me......

Lol so funny bendj

Haha glad you appreciated my overly punny humor 😊

But make sure you are protected at all times. Don't let one silly mistake ruin your life as in stds. Put something on it :)

or make puppies. {kid master the art of pull out and you R King} ((but make sure you are 99.9% sure she is clean before applying this method, this means you've been dating and have come to know each other))

but know this also young apprentice;
nothing compares to the passion of a wife.

Very true being in a fulfilling relationship when you know each other really well the music flows

haha i cant tell you how many times I foolishly turned down golden opportunities due to the nice guy/good girl mentality. I blame religion and puritan parents, but it's me who gets to pay the toll now! haha fun piece, thanks for sharing!

Short description: Turn off PC, and go to make a single ladies happy!!

I read the article off of my phone hahah

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