
Shooting from the heart, raw and to the point, I love it! Thank for sharing. I often use the methods you point at at the beginning and remove myself form situations or people, in that case, that are either toxic to me and, as I label it so strictly for myself, I understand it as so with a grain of salt. I can't help but look at it longer and ponder the situation sometimes, bouncing it off of my own consideration or the ones of others trying to find creative-problem solving involving myself and the other ones involved when necessary, as it isn't always necessary or pressing enough to deal with things right away.

Looking forward to the continuation of your story, thanks again for an excellent write up. Namaste :)

Your welcome. and thanks for the thoughtful comment - as this site seems to be flooded with more and more generic "nice post" spam-esque ones, contributions to an expanding dialogue like this comment of yours are appreciated. :-)

You are very welcome, it is my pleasure really!

As you say, there is a new wave of users definitely in the spamming category that aren't quite yet used to be constructive as well as quite generic... I know I sometimes repeat myself, but it definitely comes from the heart and it is fully intended to be thoughtful, even if a person can't realize it.

Your response is equally appreciated and motivating, thanks a bunch. Keep it up, namaste :)

Fantastic post rok-sivante, and beautifully written with passion and spunk!
I think what you said is spot on!

"Positive vibes" aren't the answer. Removing yourself from the situation might and could be.

I also think if you don't want to remove yourself from the situation totally that we need to clue up on Emotional intelligence. I am writing that post now ;-)

thanks for the split! lol ;-)

ha ha. though, quoted like that, it's still actually out of content, missing the emphasis on might and couldand the broader context of 'what if even that isn't the case...'

This is also for me the part that hooked me to the reading and propelled me forward. Namaste :)

The art of not giving a fuck...

.. I never was a very good artist.

Haha I really enjoyed this read.. seems like everyone has a solution to everything these days... just go check search through Facebook! LOL.The general message I took from this is simply “focus.” Thank you for this effort. I probably needed that self reminder. (:

Your welcome. Happy to hear you took away something from it which I probably never intended or could have guessed.

And of course, any art must be practiced. Few are naturals. Most require learning cycle after learning cycle to develop the skill sets to ascend from shit to mastery... ;-)

Thanks for that share it is nice to see someone getting to a nearly same point of view (=

for me the positiv vibes are the answer because throug them i get in contact with loads of awesome persons...

i tryed removing my self from the system but not society so at the moment I travel without anything more to confort myself as I can pack on my back and it has been the best decision for me.

sitting in the street and being a positiv vibration cheers up others and thous brings a little light in there day


Man this post is so timely for me right now as I find myself in just the kind of turmoil you are discussing. I don't have a short attention span, but I am impatient, and anxiously awaiting part two.


awesomeness. your welcome.

I'll be posting the second later today, shall post the link here to bump it into your "replies" section... ;-)

I would truly appreciate that very much!

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I have a feeling you might find this framework of human value development interesting (and probably useful).

Ah ha... I've come across Spiral Dynamics before though didn't get too far into it. Looks like it just got bumped up on the list to revisit...

Wow, loved this write up, especially the humor I got when I saw the picture of monalisa holding that RPG

lol. kinda of such a heavy subject, such a visual breather does well to balance out... :-)

Yah very true. Good work

@gabrielinnocent the artist is Banksy in case you didn't know. Thank you rok this writing is really interesting.

Great post on reality check. But how to remove or walk away from such situation in digital world. I would like to disappear in such a situation, if everyone else just mind their own business and are not obsessed with micro-observation. If everybody has their own agenda by using social platform for making opinions and criticism without any facts or knowledge and wants to annihilate an individual, than i guess that's it. Everybody is creating chaos.

not everyone is creating chaos. many might be. though really, that's just cuz they don't know any fucking better. humans probably aren't as evolved as we've been led to believe.

the scenario of which you speak (write) is an opportunity.

yes, much conflict arises. and, in conflict lies the opportunity for resolution, increased clarity, and broadened perspectives.

sometimes conflicting viewpoints are good for us as they challenge us to think outside of our boxes. other times, they may present others a chance for their limited beliefs to be challenged so they can see new truths and angles granting them access to a wider range of information needed for their evolution.

it seems there were a few people who got hung up on that "walk away / remove" piece - which was really not at all my intention or meaning. rather, I'd encourage NOT always walking away - but engaging the conflict head-on to resolve the disparity (NOT attempt proving oneself right at the cost of proving the other wrong - except in the context of doing so where it may be of benefit to them for having their bullshit called, which probably would be best done diplomatically and gently in most cases rather than fuelling a war)...

REFRAME. it's not about a back-and-forth debate. but rather tackling the challenges for the benefit of all involved. and sometimes, one who is stubborn about their views might not be at all receptive to seeing differently - BUT by not walking away and continuing to articulate a stance which seeks to bring greater clarity to the situation, onlookers will have their own takeaways, and new standards shall be set for how to deal with such conflicts.

If someone is creating chaos, it could actually be a chicken-shit, immature move to walk away. Why? Because rather than confronting them about it and leading by example as to how one could responsibly deal with conflict, we've selfishly wanted to avoid discomfort rather than provide them the feedback they need to see the faultiness of their approach, so they're just likely to go on creating more chaos for others...

it may have seemed inconvenient and challenged the belief that we're better off "walking away from negative vibes," but it could actually be denying the other an opportunity for growth.


Thanks for your point of view. My point was regarding moving on and i am not a liberal. The reality is out there and i am not altering it. But i am not going to let an individual propagate false fact about my work or a particular situation, based on the past or strong arm me.

Better education would be helpful, and I'm not talking about the current public education and colleges, which are more like communist indoctrination camps. Ignorance plays a large factor in much of the social chaos we see playing out. Even when presented with the truth, these people choose to ignore it and instead choose to erase history itself as though their demented beliefs can alter the very fabric of reality.

Another part of the solution is to start institutionalizing the mentally ill again. The spread of liberalism occurred after they were set loose and began to breed and pass on their mental defects.

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