
Impossible, in all regards.

Just as once some said about the possibility of huge, heavy metal vehicles flying across oceans 30,000 ft above the earth, talking to people on the other side of the earth in real-time through a hand-sized device without wires, running a four-minute mile, healing spontaneously from cancer, and/or many other feats that have since been accomplished - or had been previously accomplished, unbeknownst to the doubters, whether through lack of exposure to the experiences or their own cognitive biases filtering out all information that would have proved their beliefs invalid...

Mind reading, from the context of a machine, is already possible (it can be done with an MRI). It is just not possible as a human biological unit. Just as humans will never fly.

No need to even attempt understand other perspectives and what a person actually means and the distinctions made in context here... far easier to project one’s own definitions to make things so linguistically simple that brainpower not required to think outside the box...

Zzz.. oh sorry, were you talking?

Masterful deflection defence-mechanism.

(That is, assuming, you are smart enough to recognize deliberate reflection.)

What ever man. Enjoy yourself.

Mind reading is totally and utterly impossible under certain circumstances...

Ask any male on a Saturday night - just before going out with their loved one...

I have yet to know anyone who can read a girls mind at this stage of the day - when she ask a loaded question about her look in 'that dress'....

God, I wish I could read minds then - if only for the right answer to the said loaded question.

Of course mind reading is possible. :)


I agree that there is an overlap, i think what you've said is pretty on point on all counts. Ill throw in a recent example of mine. About a week before xmas, my boyfriends friend called over with a xmas present for him. It was not wrapped, it was in a cardboard box, it had 2 stickers on it, one each side, which said fragile and had an arrow pointing up. Nothing else at all on the box. We were all talking for a bit, and my b.f went to open his present, he was 2 or 3 feet in front of me, and he opened the box facing him, so only the front of the box was open, i could not see what was inside. So he opened it and looked in amazement. He was happy whatever it was and so naturally i was itching to see it. I stepped forward and said come on what is it? He closed the box and said can you guess what it is? I grinned, shut my eyes, cleared my mind, and after a few seconds i could see a plant, i could not make out what it was but i could make out green leaves and some kind of pot. I opened my eyes and asked if it was a plant? They both just looked at eachother, his friend with quite a surprised look on this face, so i knew i was on to something. I shut my eyes again and could see a bonzai tree in my mind's eye, so i said is it a bonzai tree? My b.f's jaw dropped and his freind shouted whaaaaaat the actual fuck? I was completely surprised my self. But what it was, i don't think anyone knows. Complete chance? Maybe. Telepathy, possibly from the friends mind, or more likely me reading my b.f's mind as we have a strong connection, and there was a lot of love in the room, he was full of excitement, so was i- that's huge, in those moments you're more open and connected, me personally i think that's the most likely scenario. But it could also be that i plucked that information out of the environment, did i actually peak into the box? The mind boggles.

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