How To Become Wealthy Using The Power Of Subconscious Mind

in #life7 years ago (edited)


Financial difficulties, people's hard work to make their ends meet are the results that they have not convinced their subconscious mind to always have ample amount of money to spare and live lavishly. We all know men and women who only work for a few hours a day and make a handsome amount of money. It is not a true saying that the only way to become wealthy is by the sweat of your brow and a restless job. It does not work that way: the smoothest way of life is the best. Whatever you love to do, do it. Joy, thrill, and peace will come into your life along with it without any extra effort.

Always convince your subconscious mind that you are worth that much money. Always be ambitious and highly creative. You must have met people in your life who know more about the business and have great management skills but still, they are earning about one-tenth as much as some other employees make who have lesser knowledge than them. The principal reason responsible for this is that they do not have any ambition and creative ideas.

Wealth Is A Phenomenon Of Mind:-

Wealth is nothing but a strong psychological subconscious belief system that any individual can develop as the time passes into his mind. Merely repeating the words like "I am a millionaire, I am a millionaire." won't do any help to make us a millionaire. We have to change our mentality first to grow as a wealth consciousness. We have to build the creative ideas of wealth and abundance into our mentality.

Invisible Back-Up Power House:-

Most people face trouble in their life because they do not have any invisible means of back-up or support. When their business collapses, the stock market enters the bear run, or their investments are no more profitable, they become hopeless. The only reason for this insecurity is that they are unable to turn-on the powerful mode of their subconscious mind. They are unfamiliar with the enormous powerhouse within.

Poverty-type mindset person always finds himself in poverty-stricken conditions. Like a gambler finds a way to meet gamblers like him and a drunkard finds a drunkard to accompany him. A mind filled with wealthy ideas, luxuries of life, highly ambitious thoughts is always surrounded by everything he needs. We have been created in such a way that we should not lead a life of destitute. We are capable of doing anything to have wealth, everything we wish to have plenty to spare. Our words are really powerful to cleanse our mind of wrong ideas and replace them with the healthy ones.

Practices to build a strong wealth consciousness:-

As you are reading this post, you are constantly repeating these words "I need wealth and success." Make a daily practice to repeat the following words for five minutes to yourself three or four times a day, "Wealth And Success."
The feeling of wealth and success creates the same result in our life. When you say I am wealthy, you start dwelling on real powers within you. Our subconscious mind is like a bank where we deposit our money and it keeps on growing with time. In the same way, our subconscious mind magnifies whatever we deposit or impress upon it. It does not differentiate between the good or bad, wealth or poverty, success or failure. It magnifies whatever we give it to process. So choose wisely wealth and success over poverty and failure.

Reasons For Affirmations Responsible For Wealth Fail:-

People often complain that they have said for weeks and months," I am wealthy, I am prosperous" and nothing is changing in their life. When these people were closely examined, it was found that when they said," I am prosperous, I am wealthy," they felt within that they were lying to themselves. Their actions were not resonating with their words."

We cannot deceive our subconscious mind. Our subconscious mind accepts what we really feel to be true from inside, not just outwardly affirmed idle words or statements. If there is some mental conflict or argument happening with our affirmations, these affirmations will be rejected by the conscious mind. The dominant idea or belief is always received by the subconscious mind without any doubt.

How To Abstain From Mental Conflict:-

The best possible way to overcome this conflict is that make this statement frequently, especially prior to sleep: "By day and by night, I am being prospered in all of my interests." This statement will increase the engagement of mutual functioning of the conscious and subconscious mind.
Never be fearful or doubtful of your future otherwise, your mind will start attracting negative conditions to you. The subconscious mind starts taking those fear and negative requests and proceeds in its own way to fulfill them by bringing obstacles, delays, lack and limitations in our life.

Every morning inject the thoughts of prosperity, success, wealth and peace into your mind. Keep rolling these thoughts as often as possible. Our mind works like a bank which gives compound interest on that what is kept inside it. These constructive thoughts will bring forth abundance and prosperity in our life.

Why Nothing Happens Despite All The Serious Efforts:-

You did all the things described above in this post but nothing happened. You repeated those words of wealth and success but all in vain. You are not able to get results because you indulged in fearful thoughts just after ten minutes later and neutralized the good thoughts you had put in your mind.

When you plant a seed in the ground, you do not dig it up just after a few minutes to see whether the germination has started or not. You leave it as it is and let nature do the rest of the work. The same is true with our minds. If we keep on neutralizing the good thoughts with negative ones, nothing will change in our life.

Whenever you are about to say, "I will not be able to make that payment." Before you complete the whole sentence after "I will" just stop there. Change it into a constructive sentence by saying,"I will be prospered in all my ways."

Million Ideas Of Wealth:-

Like countless thoughts coming to our mind, the subconscious mind is never out of ideas. It keeps on generating an infinite number of ideas ready to flow into the conscious mind which appear as cash in countless ways. It has nothing to do with the stock market going up or down, currencies being depreciated or appreciated. These are only a symbol which is necessary and useful but not an entity on which your wealth is fully dependent on.

The point is that if we can convince our mind that wealth is ours and it is always flowing in our life, we will never run out of the wealth. The forms it takes may change but you will always be wealthy.

Envy And Jealousy Are The Enemies Of Wealth:-

Wealth and wealthy people should always be praised and not bring any envy or jealousy in our life. If you are constantly condemning the successful and prosperous people, you will not be wealthy ever. If you are not happy with other's prosperity, you also can't be happy or prosperous. Wealth will take wings and fly away if we condemn others for them having more wealth than us.

If they have accumulated more wealth by some wrong methods, you do not have to worry about them. The law of mind will take care of all these persons because they have used the law of mind negatively. You just keep on doing the good whatever you can. Never criticize them for more bank balance, more cars, more villas than you.

So the block or obstacles to wealth is in our own mind. We have to destroy that mental block. This can be done by being on good terms with everyone regardless of his caste, creed, money or social status.

Sleeping Can Also Make You Rich:-

Every night as you go to bed, keep on chanting the word "WEALTH" till the point you enter the state of sleep. Repeat the word "Wealth" calmly, easily and feelingly. To feel is the most important part, just a lullaby is sung over, again and again, to make the baby fall asleep. Lull yourself to sleep with the one word, "Wealth". You cannot imagine the results of this simple technique. Wealth will start flowing there in abundance. This is another great example of the hidden magical power of our subconscious mind.

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Greetings From @rocksg

rocksg cinematic.gif


When i was younger i also thought, hard work is how you do it, but need to work smarter. When you let that hard work go and work with your mind more, you are getting further faster

Very true my friend.

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