How To Divert Your Attention To Positivity When You Can't Change Anything Else Right Now

in #life8 years ago

Let me share a brief story and a powerful lesson with you ...

"There is a vivid, beautiful and invaluable work of art hanging in front of you. It is sophisticated and detailed - a laborious work of deep devotion and love." Colors and textures are like no other - they rise and submerge, they shine Bright and jump right out at you! And yet you choose to set your eyes on the tiny, dark house fly that has landed on the edge of this masterpiece.Why would you choose to do such a thing?

This is story I told me friend who was having very hard time and full of negative vibration after her boyfriend cheated on her and she finally broke up with him.

She opened a half smile in my direction and then turned her gaze to the floor.

"Look," I said, "the point here is that there is no way to be 100% sure of anything in this world. Life, like good art, is sophisticated, complex and unpredictable. : Or appreciate it and look for beauty in it, or concentrate on the worst and stop at it ".

But if you expect the worst, you're never disappointed, "she said quietly.

"Yes, but who really lives like this?" I answered. "No one, that's who! People die slowly every day like this, without ever living!

She literally started the conversation by telling me that waiting for negative things to happen is her way of facing the challenges of life. If you can relate in any way at all, it is time to renew your mindset.

And do not make any misunderstanding about it, when you sit down in the landfills, the battle that is going on is not fueled by the words or actions of others, and is not nourished by what happened or not in the Well past. It is nourished entirely by your mind which gives the negativity a voice.

Believing in negative thoughts and acting upon them is the greatest barrier to living a good life.

I've said it before and I'll say it again, mind is your battlefield. It is the place where the most ferocious and ruthless conflict resides. It is where half of the things I feared were going to happen, never really happened. It is where your expectations always get the best of you. It's where you fall victim to your own train of thought over and over again.

And if you let these self-destructive thoughts reside in your mind, they will succeed in robbing you of peace, joy, productivity, meaning, and ultimately your life. You think of endless deception, anguish, and even depression.

Conclusion: You are what you think! And you can not change anything if you can not change the way you think.

But are you ready for the silver lining?

You CAN change the way you think.

And if you can change the way you think, you can master a new way of being.


This is great advice! It is also perfect timing since Steem rewards have shrunk and many people are feeling discouraged.

More people need to see this post and I will be resteeming it. 5 hours have passed, 7 have voted on your post but only 4 have actually opened it. That is a real shame.

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