How Our Subconscious Mind Can Do Wonders While We Sleep?

in #life7 years ago (edited)

We never notice that we spend about 1/3 of our life in sleeping if on average we are taking 8 out of 24 hours sleep. Sleepiness is a divine state, we come across many answers to our life problems when we fall asleep quite well.

Most of us have been taught since our childhood that we get tired during the day and to give rest to our body we have to take sleep and while we sleep, a reparative process takes place. This is a gross misconception. Sleep is not the name of any halting or discontinuation. Our heart, lungs, and all other vital organs function while we are sleeping. They never stop and continue to work until we die. Even the food taken just prior to sleep is digested and assimilated in sleep. Nothing stops like perspiration, the growth of our nails and hair during the sleep.


Like the growth of our nails and hair during the sleep, our subconscious mind is awake all day long for 24 hours. It is always active being responsible for the control of all the vital forces. This is the surprising fact that the healing process takes place more hurriedly in the state of sleep because it has nothing to do with the conscious mind interruption. The Conscious mind cannot interfere with it while we are sleeping.

Reasons Behind Sleeping:-

Dr. John Bigelow was the earliest scientific researcher to carry out any fruitful examinations into sleep. He showed through his experiments that at night while being asleep, we receive constant impressions through the sensory nerves connected to the eyes, ears, nose and subcutaneous nerves. The neurons in the brain are quite active.

Prayers, Another Form Of Sleep:-

Our conscious mind struggles the whole day with exasperation, conflict, and disputes. It has to be cut-off from this sense evidence and the objective world periodically and start communing with the most powerful subconscious mind which is a tremendous source of wisdom. By asking for guidance, support and supreme intelligence in all phases of our life, in the form of our daily progress, we will be enabled to conquer all problems and difficulties happening to us from time to time.

This daily ritual of withdrawal from sense evidence and the noise and confusion of everyday living is also a form of sleep. Very few people understand it. This is the reason that people meditating regularly require less amount of sleep at bed than normal people. We become asleep to the world of the senses and alive to the intelligence and dexterity of our subconscious mind.

Dangerous Effects Of Sleep Deprivation:-

Those who do not get enough sleep, tend to become irritable, moody and depressed sooner or later. It has been found that a minimum of six hours of sleep is a must for a normal human being. Some people may require more than that. Some people actually tend to be fooling themselves by thinking that they can get along on less.

In some instances, the psychotic breakdown was the result of severe insomnia. Many more serious diseases have been associated with insomnia by medical researches. Sleep recharges us physically as well as spiritually. If you are searching for joy and vitality in your life, first examine your quality of sleep. This is the treasure house of it.

More Sleep Is All We Need

Sleep is as important as air, water, and food for us. If we do not get the ample amount it there may be hazardous outcomes due to it.

This is a true story of a Guinness World Record Holder. In 1964, a 17 years old boy named Randy Gardner kept on himself awake for 264 hours- eleven straight days. He won the competition and secured a place in Guinness Book of World Records. No permanent damage happened to him. But during the time he was awake, his thinking process weakened. His speech became slurred. Memory lapses were happening to him very frequently. In the last time of his awakening, he started to experience hallucinations. This was the extreme case of short on sleep. Most people do not go to such extremes so they do not suffer from these serious issues but there is a possibility that they may also suffer from them.

National Highway Traffic Safety Administration has released the data that 200,000 traffic accidents a year are due to sleep problems.

Microsleep or Fleeting Naps:-

A tired brain will sacrifice anything to get sleep if it is not getting it. It will be always craving for more sleep. If you have some sleep loss, only after a few hours you will start experiencing fleeting naps called "lapses" or microsleep. These occur three or four times an hour. In microsleep, which is very similar to real sleep, the person's eyelids close and his or her brain waves become slower.

In the beginning, these lapses last just a fraction of a second, but for the big amount of sleep loss, these lapses become quite frequent and of longer duration like two or three seconds. Whatever you are doing and how much attentive you try to be, you cannot resist it, these microsleeps will surely happen for a few priceless seconds.

Sleep Brings Counsel:-

Sleep brings counsel. Before going to sleep, pray that the infinite intelligence of our subconscious mind knows quite well what is good for us and is guiding and directing us in the right direction. On awakening, the same outcomes will be there as we prayed last night.

Subconscious Mind Can Sense The Disaster Well Before Its Happening And Warns Us:-

The wisdom of the subconscious mind is much powerful to instruct and protect you if you pray for right action prior to sleep.
Before going to sleep, try to repeat these words "Infinite Intelligence within me knows all about me and my life. The right decision will be revealed at the right time in the divine order. I will be attentive enough to recognize the answer when it comes."

Warning signs may appear in the form of a mother who comes in our dream. She will stop us not to go there and the reason for the warning. Not only in sleep, our subconscious mind also warns us in our waking hours. We hear some sort of voice like that of our mother or loved ones. We stop and turn to find out the origin of the voice. We become confused and later we come to know that if we have had taken the next step to go somewhere, we might have been struck on the head by some object. These are several stories around the globe of these instances.

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