Closing My Book of 2017

in #life7 years ago (edited)

For me the end of the year is always a time to reflect and recharge my energies. -Gisele Bundchen

My last sunset of 2017

2018 is just a few hours away and waiting to be welcomed. So before I close this year's chapter in my life, I looked back to remember how it was one last time before I start with a new one.

The first few pages was definitely a surprise for me and maybe for someone else too. (But let's not talk about that person.) The other pages on the other hand, were full of struggles, troubles, and "I don't know what to do anymore" phrases. Crumpled pages, torn and cut raggedly. It was as though I had to work hard to finish my clinical cases while keeping my depression under control and my growing feelings at bay. There were even more personal and family challenges this year too.

Life is full of ups and downs. The trick is to enjoy the ups and have courage during the downs. -Anonymous

Interspersed with those pages, though, were colorful and bright notes. This year, I was able to visit a lot more places. I trekked mountains and dived seas. I met and socialized with different people. And just enjoying the sceneries nature provided.

Some may say "Life's a b****" or "Life is cruel", but it's actually the decisions we make that fuels are life and the actions we take that bring forth more opportunities and choices to our life. How our lives would be depends on our performance.

Many of us crucify ourselves between two thieves - regret for the past and fear of the future. -Fulton Oursler

Regrets and Mistakes. Another note that had been filling my year. I regret not having enough confidence in myself; not having enough dedication & strength; not even able to say & do what I really want to. But there are no rewind buttons or erase buttons in life and no time machines either. There's nothing more I can do.

So these regrets and mistakes are now lessons of the present for a better future.

When one door closes, another opens; but we often look so long and so regretfully upon the closed door that we do not see the one which has opened for us. -Alexander Graham Bell

So let's drop those regrets, those mistakes, those unending "if only's" and let us build a better tomorrow, a better version of ourselves and hope that one day we would say "I'm glad those mistakes helped me grow up".


Also, forget about making new years resolutions if all the other past resolutions didn't work. You're just going to dwell on it again for not having able to fulfill it... again.

If you're the type of person that plans ahead and make goals for the future then you might want to join @maverickinvictus' contest :)

So How's your 2017? :)

Good night 2017! -photo taken by @jon24jon24


Happy New Year everyone!

A dash of Drawing, A pinch of Photography, and A hint of Writing

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