This is me, doing that I love. In this post you´ll have a gift. 5 Steps to Speak in Public with efficiency and and pulling out your best version

in #life9 years ago (edited)

Firstly you need to understand this concept: STATE. State is everything, becouse you´re state is a driver, is the driver of your emocional behavior. So if you control and note your state you´ll have 60% done.

Before to start a presentation or a speech is necessary to have done a well preparation about content, remember that you can not talk about something if you don´t have a completly knowlege of the subjetc. So, create your notes, memorize it, creat graphics, PPS... whatever you need, but be preparate!

1. Identify your feelings in your body, how is it? when is it? Which sensation you have? Put it a name (fear, happiness, curiosity...) Try to imagine a colour or smeel that this have.

2. Ask yourself; What is the intention of this feel? Mean, whit what goal your uncouncius mind are giving you that feel and state. Normally could be an intetion to protect yourself. Is important to identify the intention becouse then you´ll have an oportunity to create news option, and also to understand how your uncounsius is working.

3. Create new options about it. What you alredy have to chang that state and feel? What you have done in your past that´s could help in this moment? What are you available to do? What do you need before start?

4. Feel and note how is youre Breathing, try to get a good Breath that you feel confortable with it. When you get it, imagine that breath when you´ll do it your presentation.

5.  Shake off your body. Shake of your body again. Breath 3 times depply, then get your councius breath that you were practicing. Remember that you´are the only one that know the structure and content of your presentatation. If you lost youre breath, take a second breath again looking to the audience, smile. Becouse if you do that audience is going to your pocket and this is the best way to creat impact on them. Be yourself, move as natural is possible, forget to try to be another becouse that generate a impression of fake, and you´re real, you´re natural... you could be awesome.

Hope that this could help to someone else. :-)


There is only one thing you must learn in order to master public speaking. That is speaking extemporaneously. Although the definition of that word is, "Spoken or done without preparation", I don't believe that definition to be correct. What speaking extemporaneously means it to speak without referencing notes, slides, etc. You can prepare just as long as your preparations are internalized and then discarded for the speech. Once this technique is mastered, nervousness goes away because you know what you're going to say generally, and confidence can be easily built by successive well-delivered speeches.

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