Ignore the Haters - A Strategic Approach to Dealing With Environmental Issues
Why is it that we always want more people to join our movements or join our cause, and yet never ignore the haters? If we were to do this we would be giving support to those who wish to tear us down. Look at how many eco-terrorists we have today. They hate us and will go to any lengths to make themselves heard? How about all those Hollywood productions where the bad guys are all white men shooting guns at each other in stereotypical Hollywood violence, yet no one ever bothers to mention that the bad guys shot first?
Indeed, this is exactly what the haters wish for. They wish to stir up the negative comments online, so that they can then use them as ammunition against us. They wish to use our reaction to their comments to prove they are right, while we tear down their arguments. This is indeed a tactic used by the haters to prove that we are wrong and weak. It is quite funny when one considers all of the negative comments on the Internet that are nothing but straw man arguments.
The same can be said of comments made by those wishing to derail our movement. I've noticed that often when someone makes a comment in a social media forum such as FaceBook, Twitter, Blogs or even a group they will leave a comment linking to one of the negative websites that they frequent. It's amazing that these folks refuse to acknowledge that they belong to one of the most powerful forces pushing environmental sustainability, renewable energy and evolution, while promoting the opposite. These comments by these haters are rather amusing when you consider the fact that they cannot make any sense and obviously need help with that.
The reality is that all these negative comments come from the same place - environmental activists. These are folks who are in denial of the reality of human-induced global warming. They are busy denigrating the United States for its stance on pollution and its support for environmental sustainability. Interestingly enough, we do not see these types of comments on sites promoting renewable energy. Apparently, environmental activists hate America and much of what the United States stands for.
It appears as if these people have forgotten the very first rule of staying positive during a tough economy. When times are tough, you must stay positive. Ignore the haters and those who wish to detract from the environmental issues that are facing us. If these folks want to express their anger, it is probably for the best that you do not listen. Do not allow them to divide you and the rest of America over environmental issues.
In fact, you should listen to them and what they are saying. Then tell them why you are so concerned and ask them how they feel about it. Let them know that it is not their concern and you will not allow them to divide you. I have been asked countless times by the average person on the street to just give them my two cents on the topic of global warming. I tell them, "I completely agree with you, and I am telling you why I am doing so."
Ignore the haters. You will be amazed at how you begin to attract more people to your side when you begin to discuss environmental issues. It will be interesting to watch, as most of the haters will begin to see that their only hope of surviving in this country is by giving up their environmentalist ways and come clean on the subject.
I have noticed that many of them do not even realize that they are participating in a huge problem. It is not the end of the world for them, but it might be a transition from one phase to the next. It is amazing how quickly the human race forgets that we live in a world full of potential energy. We have so many resources and we should use them all. Ignore the haters, because they only have one thing in mind and that is not to help our great nation but only themselves.