How To Use The Power Of Helplessness
Being helpless can be an extremely difficult feeling. Although some people who are truly helpless may find it very comforting to believe they have no control over their circumstances, others who feel this way find themselves constantly victimized. Unfortunately, helplessness is a common emotion that can prevent people from dealing with the daily obstacles they face in life.
Fortunately, there are several things you can do to learn to cope with your feelings of helplessness and help yourself become more empowered. If your emotions of helplessness are resulting in discomfort, causing it difficult to function normally or are coupled with other symptoms, discuss your thoughts with your physician. There are a number of disorders that can result from a deep sense of powerlessness. These include clinical depression, post-traumatic stress disorder, eating disorders, alcoholism, bipolar disorder, and much more.
In order to recover from these disorders, you must discover the root cause of your emotional incapacitation. Helplessness, like all emotions, can be rooted in various factors. By working with your physician, you can learn to pinpoint which emotional disturbances are triggering your feelings of helplessness. This will help you overcome your powerlessness and regain control over your life.
Feelings of helplessness are emotionally disabling. Because of this, those who suffer from these emotions often withdraw from society and fail to thrive. They become depressed, lose personal relationships, and become isolated. When you feel helpless, you don't feel capable of doing anything to change your situation. Learning to cope with and work through these negative feelings can help you recover from your emotional paralysis.
The feelings of helplessness you experience are an essential part of your identity. If you feel as though you are worthless, unable to do anything, or insignificant, you will lose self-confidence and self-esteem. Your self-image suffers because you feel as if you are powerless over the situation you find yourself in. This is a very difficult emotional burden to carry.
To battle the overwhelming feeling of helplessness, consider finding two words to describe it: succulence and hope. succulence is the state of relative goodness you feel because of the presence of another word, something, or a situation that is helping you out. On the other hand, hope is a state of relative good cheer. Think of another word, a situation, activity, etc., that is boosting your morale. This should give you hope that things will get better.
You may want to help yourself with the concept of helplessness by saying, "I am not helpless. I have help. My situation is temporary. The next time I am faced with the same situation, I will overcome it."
Helplessness is a painful emotion to be confronted, but not something that one has to live with permanently. Take comfort in the fact that there are tools and strategies to work through this challenging experience. If you learn helplessness' synonyms, you will become better able to combat it and help oneself. It is possible for even a learned helplessness sufferer to make a positive change in his or her life and to get back the life that they deserve.
Some people use the word 'lazy' to describe themselves. They do not really wish to do anything, but simply wish it would go away. One of the bestow these words upon themselves when they are truly lazy. When they accept that they have been lazy, but that there is something that could be done, they can begin the process of changing that which is undesirable. Another word for 'lazy' is 'dull', and if you choose to use that word to describe yourself, don't be fooled into thinking that is a favorable attribute. Rather, think of it as a self-defense mechanism that you learned in childhood.
A person who is 'lazy' may find it difficult to determine how to bestow these synonyms upon others. It is often best to choose one of the synonyms that are clearly defined. For instance, the synonym 'dishonest' is clearly defined as not doing what you promise when you make a commitment. This gives the person that particular quality, the ability to better define the meaning of the word than those who would be using the other word. By choosing the word honest, they are better able to bestow that upon others.
The word 'lazy' is a very limiting phrase and causes people who suffer from it to be limited in their ability to reach their full potential. There are many other words that can be used to convey the meaning of being powerless. One of the bestow these other words upon oneself is to consider these as powerful synonyms for Helplessness. Instead of being powerless, people suffering from Helplessness instead become powerful. When they accept this fact, they are able to use these powerful synonyms to empower others.
Sometimes, even accepting that you are in fact a victim of the emotional condition, you will still feel angry about it. If this is the case, it is important to consider the anger as a positive emotion to be used to motivate yourself rather than let it cause you to be harmed by the emotions that it inspires. There is hope that the emotional condition can be overcome. You do not have to live an unhappy life, just get help to overcome the issue. Get the help you need today.